The Australian government is going from cash welfare to gimped no-cash dole cards that can only buy essentials. /r/Australia posters are mad.

230  2019-09-08 by thowaway_throwaway


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Wtf aussies had raw cash welfare?

Yes but in a country with a huge cost of living ($17 minimum wage IIRC) it's a very low amount compared to other first-world countries.

But reddit told me minimum wage had no effect on inflation and increasing the cost of living!

value of a dollar does not change if you arbitrarily increase wages

You're increasing the bottom .00001 percentage of wages, maybe less because the rich fat ccats on top are just going to cut people jobs (because fuck hard working honest people, amirite? xD) just so they can get their multiple billion dollar bonuses to buy off politicians more.

You know most companies have paper thin profit margins right? Like walmart or some shit only has a 2% profit margin after paying everyone at least $14 an hour.

Walmart has a 4% margin, which is 15 billion dollars

Gee i wonder how much they pay their ceo to make the company look unprofitable. Take a step out of your crapitalist gated community and see the world for what it is.

Interesting that you oppose capitalism yet live in a capitalist country

interested that you're racist but live in a state that makes racism illegal

Racism isn't illegal you retard 🤣

Racism doesn't require lynching. It's protected under the first amendment. You can legally fly the nazi, cclonfederate and commie flags. Yes all 3 have been tested in court. Johnson vs texas nazi flag landmark court ruling.

Ok, have fun paying black people 3/5ths of the "whites" pay, i'm sure you won't have any problem with that, chud


We live in a society smh

If we only we stopped paying the CEO, every other worker could earn a whopping 20 cents more per hour.

for some people thats a difference between resorting to eating endangered animals in the outback and living in melbourne


Those poor helpless multibillion profit businesses

Do you not realize why communism doesn't work?

Tax the rich of all profits > the business fails > now there's no walmarts > people stave because it happens to every business

Why would anyone ever invest into business if no one made money other than subhuman grocery baggers?

Capitalism has pulled people out of more poverty than anything

there would be no businesses to tax in a communist system in the first place, what kind of crackhead communism are you espousing

Wtf does what I say have to do it’s communism? I just think it’s stupid to pretend like the huge businesses like Walmart are scraping by.

Jesus you are stupid.

Isn't peak capitalism a business with no "profits" ie perfectly efficient

Lol Wal-Mart built it's empire on local tax abatements and pushing their workforce to the rolls. They have been one of the primary beneficiaries of "socialism" while crippling local businesses.

Nobody is trying to argue for communism you uneducated mongoloid. You do this shit constantly, make a terrible argument, someone explains to you why your argument is terrible, then you start trying to refute strawman arguments nobody ever made.

Like when you linked me racial police shooting statistics to claim the cops weren't bad, when nobody had even talked about the racial element of police shootings.

Followed by a bunch of other strawman arguments, like you linking me some terrible data to claim the US was 64th per capita in mass shootings, again in the same argument about the police, as if mass shootings had anything to do with it.

Let me help you out because you seemingly have a sub 75 IQ and just have a bunch of canned NPC responses: Social welfare is not communism. Social safety nets are not communism. Taxing the rich is not communism. Regulations are not communism.

This is my primary issue with conservatives: you're some of the dumbest people on earth and seemingly never have any idea what's even going on.

1: he's a chapo

2: no one reads these

3: read between the lines and feel the impression

Lol how am I a chapo?

Grade A cope from you. Do you usually start ranting about communism out of the blue?

Come on retard, how am I a chapo?

this is such a normie steven crowder conservatard take. dont tell me you actually believe that corporations have such low profit margins and are on the verge of collapse, especially walmart. it's because they are spending it on expansion and consuming market share

they are spending it on expansion and consuming market share

Which creates more jobs, lowers in store pricings, expands the economy, creates new technology, innovates, etc? Are you implying we should tax the rich in order to feed subhuman retards who should die from natural selection anyway and no one should have cool things like medical innovation or video games? Chapo is so boring, why don't you guys come up with an actual replacement for free market capitalism instead of chugging mao's semen. Capitalism has proven to work. Next

generations of being force-fed twinkies and cuckservative media have molded the yankoid brain we see on display into a total submissive pain-piggy for the walton family, the most conspicuous group of social parasites there ever was.

medical innovation

the majority of the pharma industry is made up of parasites who sit on 1 drug patent for 20 years and then extend it for 20 more by tweaking the formula. if you had any knowledge of the industry you would realize that most of the "innovation" is carried out by the NIH and university labs.

video games

net negative on the society. vidya players ought to be swept away by the early rains that wash away the chaff before the spring rains.

Which creates more jobs, lowers in store pricings, expands the economy, creates new technology, innovates

if you weren;t a retard you would realize that the state is better at all of this, and you don't end up with a constant crisis of overproduction and totally lopsided economic allocation that leaves society as a shitty deteriorating walmartscape. but at least i created muh $7 an hour walmart jobs

why don't you guys come up with an actual replacement for free market capitalism

funny you should ask, it's called xi jinping theory, a mixed economy led by state-run industry with strong dirigist regulation in place, and it's proven to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty at a rate faster than the free market ever could. socialism with chinese characteristics has been proven better than capitalism by every single conceivable metric

Narrator: They hated her because she spoke the truth.

better yet, they think relentless franchising, expansion, and rent-seeking is actually good, because it;s natural selectiion, or some shit like that. the american white moid brain and its prospector spirit has been completely warped from a self-affirming individualism into an acceptance of the finders-keepers "property rights" of the grandkids of whichever prospector beat their granddaddy to the river. it is willing to accept any domination as long as it's "fair," which is good when i want to hold a moid by its leash and peg some moid ass, but really pathetic and dangerous on a societal level since it will allow corporations to overexploit and overexpand and cause us all to die in the long run

Whoa, let’s not get crazy.

its not crazy. every "fiscally conservative guy" is a sissyboy beta male and as mc=ch as i'd love to pound them all in the ass, we need them to stop so that the entire world doesnt die

Damn you’re my type, aren’t you?

are you perhaps... into the ACAb and the antiffa?

edit: checked 30 pages of your post historry and you post in /r/drama, a well-known conservative brigadng sub. possibly a glormf supporter. ew ew ew, i cant believe i'm talking to someone who say's racist things against black people

Lmao commie

Lmao moid

google income elasticity of demand, retard

And how many upvotes and guildings did that have?

it has hundreds of upvotes from basically every economist

Oh really? Each of them upvoted hundreds of time? Yeah that doesn't sound like nepotism and fraud to me at all Lmfao you capitalist shills are easier to see through than anti-palistinian racists

paly's have hamas economists they go "uhh as we can see the demand for rockets is very high"

Lmfao it doesn't, the problem with minimum wages is that when it gets to high it increases unemployment and runs small businesses out of business lmao 😂😂😂

your tag is right because that's wrong. the business make 10s of hundreds times more because all the poor people are able to buy what they need. go fear monger somewhere else t_d poster

Do you like a higher crime rate ? Because that's what has happened for all human history when desperate people are given no option.

Literally being provided money to get what you need to survive is desperate now.

being provided money to get what you need to survive*

*Select stores only, also good luck paying rent with it

Poors don’t need houses.

They muck up the streets otherwise

Just arrest them lol.

And now we're back to paying for their housing

Hard labour pays for itself.

Can't really break even competing with Chinese prison labor tho

Just arrest the Chinese lol.

Where does a country of convicts send their convicts? 🤔


Just sell their organs.

Can't really break even competing with Chinese prison organs tho

Nobody wants soy chink organs when they could have luxury bogan organs.

luxury bogan organs.

Idk about that. Last bogan heart I bought had a stingray barb stuck in it.


Just sell their organs.

That seems shortsighted. We should lease the organs out on fifty year leases. If you miss a payment bam! straight to the operating table.


Deport them, then. The southeast pacific has loads of small islands.

Put them in some undeveloped shithole, call it Australia 2.0

Australia's already a prison. Sounds like a needless waste of money tbh.

Not if you get them to start taxing themselves.

I don’t know how Australia works, but in the US, housing assistance isn’t lumped in with food stamps and shit. It’s a separate allowance. Also lol at being poor and having to actually do that shit 😂

I don’t know how Australia works

tbf it's probably not even real

Right up there with Wales and Atlantis.


A conspiracy of consonants

Oi! I'll be reportin' ya to mah constable, Fyraywetry Rttrysplkjey

We should probably send a small portion of the US army over there to check it out, just to be sure

I wish it was fake then I wouldn't exist.

it's got the population of florida so scale everything down and make it hot redneck. but an annoyingly liberal kind of hot redneck


How dare you insinuate I'm Autstralian


He's right, if he was a true blue fair dinkum fucken' Aussie he'd know the dole wasn't enough to pay his rent to begin with.

Are you fucking mentally retarded read that again idiot

And everyone who upvoted you, also literally mentally retarded and unable to read

Aww, is some one salty because they won’t get paid in cash any more?

I'd be more concerned about the portion of the population that sniffs petrol and their already incredibly high crime rate if I were them.

Nungas, or Koori?

Accountability is somehow an attack on the poor now lol.

Lmao I can’t believe the Aussies put that much trust in their poor “people” to begin with. Broke Kiwicels coping hard about having to spend money on what that money was for in the first place 😂

Kiwi's don't qualify for the dole.

Nor should they ever


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. The Australian government is going ... -,,

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You can use em to buy gift cards though, and plenty of bottle shops offer gift cards. Shit even drug dealers will accept groceries for dope now too.

This is what happens when out of touch politicians stay in their cozy cities and dont bother trying to relate to their constituents.

It’s still better then just giving them cash. In the USA they sale those give cards for fifty cents on the dollar. I should know one stole my wallet and that is what they did with it. Fuck it. Make it as miserable as possible for those disgusting fucks.

Nah these gift cards are dollar for dollar in Australia.

Yeah Bullshit. LOL

Prove me wrong, if I buy a gift card I get every cent, not everyone lives by US rules.

Yeah you can’t even sale your gift cards through legitimate means dollar for dollar. You aren’t fooling anyone faggot. Looks like you will need to get a job or learn how to live on $0.50 on the dollar for your welfare.

You don't need to sell them though, did you read my original comment? These gift cards are for bottle shops, you know the place where you can buy alcohol?

Big fucking mouth on you ay, don't fucking lecture me on getting a job, I work 70 hour weeks in the blistering heat roofing and concreting, I'm not some fucking dole bludger.

Have a look at this mate, final price at the checkout is $50 for a $50 Gift card.

Let your brain do the work before you start mouthing off.

this is so retarded I think it has to be bait but I just don't know

The ACCC has taken plenty of corporations to court, they're the reason steam is now priced in $AUD for us Aussies, just do a bit of googling you'll see it with your own eyes, if it doesn't comply you don't do business in Australia, and these are the guys who will shoot you down.

Obviously that's how it works in the US too, who the fuck would spend more on a gift card? What the other guy was saying is that if you're trying to sell a card for cash nobody is going to give you the full price.

Alright maybe I haven't been clear, these are tiny little towns, alcohol abuse in these places is more prevalent than other drugs, these people are using their cashless debit card they get their payments on to buy gift cards, these gift cards can come from bottle shops, seeing as you get a dollar for dollar exchange they don't lose a cent and the government is wasting it's time.

The reason people don't use other drugs in these towns is because a gram of cannabis can cost $50-100 depending on how far it has to travel. I've been to these places mate, what the fuck would you know about life here? Have I been clear enough?

what the fuck would you know about life here?

Thank god I don't know anything about it and will do my best to avoid ever ending up in a shit hole like that.

I'm Australian, and gift cards are dollar for dollar, the guy above you is a brainlet.

That's a bit of a problem with non-cash assistance really. In WV they but pop as a commodity and trade that instead of, yanno, insulin.

It's massively inefficient.

I would love to watch Wear Virginians make their own commodity futures market on soda and cigarettes.

It's mostly a pepperoni roll based market.

You will probably cannot. These cards will probably be accepted by participating stores, not every store, who will have restrictions placed to avoid tellys and gift cards to be paid by these cards.

Will abbos still be able to buy the petrol and booze they need to survive with this card

Dont sniff petrol from the can

In the car it stays.


Asking the real questions.

Buy? I thought they siphoned it.

Honestly, if someone told me they used reddit irl, I’d punch them.

What if they told you they were an /r/Drama user?

Oh yeah. Definitely.

Something about bussy, I suppose.

Punchfist with Crisco

I’d grab them by the bussy

and they’d let me, too. When you’re a dramautist they let you get away with anything

Twice as hard. And right in the bussy. With a lubed up fist uwu~~~

Punch them, then show bussy to assert dominance.

with what, your soyboy hands?




As a cop, I can already see the crime rates relating to property offences (theft and burglary) about to skyrocket - due to the implementation of this. People are going to fund their drug habit one way or another.

fucking lol, "if we don't pay for the illegal drugs of our laziest citizens, they will go on a crime spree."

Nice fucking place.

You can't post that on that sub though.

Not realising that exactly what welfare is for.

It's a stopgap from people who are too big of cowards to implement a real solution to poverty. Convert poor men into women.

Why does Australia still exist anyway?

I'm hoping for a nice stock of prison labor sometime in the future.

Lmao, what's wrong with the 2.5mil you've already got on shore?

Not gonna get many more than that from down here

Lmao, what's wrong with the 2.5mil you've already got on shore?

They're humans. Australians aren't.

Fuck moiii, if I can't hit the glass barbie on Centrelinks buck, what the fuck is the point of living?

Frozen water sales set to plummet.


centrelink fosters abbo cunt m8 just takin the piss pooftah lets go to maccas

gonna glass ya cunt

This but unironically

Did that mass die off happen when they implemented the $5-15 copay when seeing a doctor?

God, I hope so

That doesn't exist anymore.

they didnt. exactly because it went from being a 5 dollar copay to 15 dollar copay within 3 months of debating

Are they calling it the cunt card? You’ve fallen on hard times because life can be a cunt at times. Let’s make the situation as humiliating as possible... pay with a cunt card to let everyone know you’re a feckin useless cunt.

Suicide rates will increase for anyone stuck on this for 12 months +. Maybe that’s part of the plan though.

Serious question: Would i be able to pay for my medicinal cannabis using a cashless debit card?

Reddit moment

/r/Australia posters are mad.

Welp, must be another day under a Coaltiion government


Ozzie Gummint: We know you're not doing well financially, so we're going to toss you some gibs so you don't starve to death.

Bogan: That's a real ripper! Fair dinkum.

Ozzie Gummint: We don't want to enable any of the shitty habits that may have led you to be where you are today, so we're giving you that money on a digital card so that you can spend it on things like food and shelter without us worrying that you're just lazing around drunk or doing drugs.

Bogan: You right cunt! How fuckin' dare you? guys are getting paid? /s


red neck Brits upset they cant buy speed with their welfare money

Sniff petrol*

That is cultural appropriation of proud Indigenous culture, that we, as a multicultural nation, deplore.

More likely hitting the glass barbie with some frozen water.

And a coward's punch to top it all off, ya wanker!

proud Indigenous culture

So noble. So beautiful. So like us.

The only posters that are mad are the ones on the dole who it is going to affect, same with the government saying they're going to drug test them too. I'm not worried about being drug tested because my boss is really cool and smokes weed, plus I work for myself so my really cool boss is actually me

back in the olden days the traditional thing people did was withdraw all their centrelink and then buy drugs to sell

real business boosting startup capital

but that was also when there were virtually no requirements or obligations and you could just walk in and say "id like some money please" and theyd give you like 200 a week lmao

We need to do the same with Social Security, except seniors will be banned from using our welfare money to donate to Donald Trump.

Serious question: Would i be able to pay for my medicinal cannabis using a cashless debit card?

First fucking comment. The state of middle class Redditors.


Rozzers are the biggest poofters

Those are some raggedy nails in that picture.