Turns out people who aren't critics or journalist can actually enjoy something.

72  2019-09-08 by errderper


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t. sentience

wtf does t. stand for

t. newfag


Used to reference a particular related topic in a comment.

Why don't comedians just go on hour long diatribes about orange man instead of telling jokes?

That's what most of them are doing anyways. When Trump tweeted Covfefe those hacks had a fucking field day.

That covfefe shit was the most depressing time period on reddit. Like the guy is dumb and made a typo, but they kept trying to make it a bigger deal than it was.

Drumpf is the joke.

At one time, Bill Hicks used

go listen to Madonna

... as an insult.

Also, Chapelle is now neither funny nor insightful but with the world we have today, he does not need to be.

That bit seriously was the least funny. I actually cringed at that take.

Doing a racist asian impression is always funny and will always be funny.

Dick joke incoming.

Tiny rice pp

trying too hard it is

I would find this offensive if it came from any other comedian. Like South Park reserves its racism just for asians but has its kid gloves on for blacks and Jews. Chappelle doesn't play favorites like that.

On the other hand, I could come up with way way better asian stereotypes than that.

I dunno, I thought "after that, the gun's Jamaican. Because it's all buckshot, buckshot, buckshot" was pretty good.

Okay, that was the only joke I didn’t get. Am I missing a pun or a reference or something?

It's a basketball American in joke because buckshot is jamaican slang used in reggae and also is a type of shotgun ammo.

Jamaicans shout "buckshot" all the time.

The anti-drama smug-oids decry the situation claiming that reddit is buying into the PC vs non-PC stuff.

While simultaneously being unable unable to realize that if no one were to get offended, there would be no Drama.