Gay conservative does an AMA. [removed]

47  2019-09-09 by ardasyenden


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Gay conservative does an AMA. [remo... -,

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Could you give an example of gay people forcing their morals on you?

Forcing my kids in school to be taught that being gay is natural

I hate that I'm forced to agree with the smug atheist crew when they point out that male animals fuck each other across thousands of different species.

Being gay can't be anything other than natural. It's likely genetic in some way, we just don't know exactly how.

Logically, it seems like a gay gene would conflict with evolution, unless the gene in question had some form of benefit. I remember reading something a while back that speculated a gene that causes women to be more attracted to men might be to blame. A gene that causes women to be more attracted to softer features for example, which could signal increased levels of empathy, which would lead to having more children overall.

The gene would sometimes give "too much" which would result in same-sex attraction. There was some loose evidence supporting it last I checked, that loose evidence being the women in the gay persons family would have more children than average, and that's exactly what they had found.

pizza getting downvoted instantly

The mass ban didn’t work

Pizza boy deserves to be downvoted. Not an lolcow, just a sad, sad little boy

Pizza is right 99% of the time. Almost all talk of him being a “sad, sad little boy” is pure cope.

If you insist big boy

Pizza is right 99% of the time

That is all it takes to be downvotes on Reddit.

Pizza is right 99% of the time.

imagine believing this good lord lol


I legitimately can't

It shows

Pizza is right 99% of the time.

imagine believing this good lord lol

meh or its epi-genetic which means a gene is being regulated wrong. Or maybe there is a large nature component. But there is basically no chance a good unbiased study will ever be done.

There are plenty of species that sacrifice their own reproductive ability to improve the success of close family.

Foxes dens are typically made of a mating pair along with two sisters to help raise the kits.

Foxes dens are typically made of a mating pair along with two sisters to help raise the kits.

I googled for the whole five minutes and I'm pretty sure that you got this factoid from furry erotic fiction.

That sort of behavior in eusocial insects seems to be related to a quirk of their sex-determination system that makes sisters twice as closely related to each other as to their own children.

Conversely, I can believe in a success of an allele that makes female carriers more fertile at the cost of making some female carriers gay, i.e. infertile. But just sacrificing one's chances of reproduction seems unlikely.

Scientists are just coping with the fact that male foxes are point more tail than they are.

It isn't nessessarily a reproductive dead end, but some foxes can live the rest of their lives as subordinates to the mating pair. The fact of the matter is they spend seasons to raise their siblings instead of their own.

Interesting, thank you. Looks like it's older sisters of the cubs though, not sisters of the mother, which makes sense: if they failed to get pregnant themselves, can as well help raise their siblings.

I had a friend fox at the previous place I lived. There was a bend in the road I used to go for a walk on in the evenings where foxes all met because there was a streetlight and the asphalt was still warm. Then one day in the early autumn I guess all the adult foxes left and there was this young vixen chilling all lonesome in the grass by the side of the road, and not running away because she was lonely and bored to death I guess. So I went home, grabbed some chicken legs, went back, and fed her.

As time went I got her to take food basically from my hand. Also, despite all my efforts to keep our relationship strictly to that bend in the road (because foxes take cats sometimes, though I was more worried about what cat-having neighbors would think, she was terrified of our male(agender) cat at least), a month later I found her chilling right by our porch at the usual time. Foxes are clever.

Later we tried to train her to wait at a specific place in the woods nearby, she would still come to our place most of the time though. It was interesting to see how a fox naturally adopts a dog's position a few feet ahead and slightly to the right as I walked her to the place we decided to leave the food at.

The next summer she had kits, three of them at least survived to the point where they watched from the road as she sneaked in through the gate, they were too afraid to get close to us though. The next summer she had another litter but also lost a left eye to an infection (it got all red and swollen, then apparently leaked out). She raised the litter successfully but sometime in the winter she stopped coming.

There’s the “Gay Uncle” theory. The idea is, having a non-competitive male as part of the family tribe resulted in a higher chance of the families gene surviving. The male would have the perks of being protective for threats, but not sexually competitive.

Having a gay uncle is how I caught the gay in the first place.

Animals too can get mentally ill.

OUT OUT OUT 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿

The issue with reddit being full of unsufferably wrong leftists, is that it make us forget that the same retards exist on the right.

Calling something "natural" is complete meaningless and empty bullshit.

Everything that ever happened is natural. The holocaust was natural. Animals kill each other all the time, so it is okay if humans do it, too? Also, if you argue that humans are animals, everything they do is natural. Actually, you do not even have to consider humans as animals to argue that humans are part of nature.

And even if you manage to come up with an arbitrary definition on what is natural and what is not: You still are not one single step closer to judge whether this now okay or not okay. "We should not do thing A, because animals do this, and we humans are not animals. We should however do thing B, because animals do it, too."

Literal paragraphs over semantics. Do you feel big brain for pointing this out when he clearly meant "biological basis" when he said natural?

Literal paragraphs over semantics.

Not about semantics. It is about the actual meaning.

when he clearly meant "biological basis"

Does not change anything. Is is the same. "Biological basis" is just as arbitrary. Also, is something now good or bad if it has a biological basis?

"Gay is good, because it has a biological basis. And racism is bad, because even if it has a biological basis we are humans and not animals, so we do not have to do what our biology tells us to do."

btw: I am very very pro faggot! Don't hate it if you did not try it.

Yeah I mean everything we do is natural I guess, doesn't mean i want drag queen story hour for my five year old

(said in a sassy, gay man's voice)    

We call that a Gayservative around here

Kind reminder no solid scientific reason was given to remove homosexuality from the DSM as a mental disorder. It was all massive political pressure and a recent study that showed homosexuals aren't much less happy than heterosexuals. That was literally it.

The DSM is a meme, and so is the entire field of psychology. Using them for anything beyond mocking is retarded.

It's so easy to get published in psychology bc all their theories are just straight up hypotheses. Like it's an insult to science to even call them theories tbh. I could come up with a psych theory in 5 seconds:

There are actually 4 fundamental types of personalities: Virgin Chad Dramanaut Normie

Boom. Write a fucking book on this shit with random observations as evidence, make sure it doesn't directly conflict with any accepted actual brain science etc and get your name written in the psychology textbooks if you make it popular enough.

The Dramanaut personality type appears to be correlated with strong mental health, visual acuity, and a high sexualspatial IQ. As opposed to Normies, Chads and Virgins, Dramanauts (N=101,000) appear to possess a vast intellectual streak that allows them to simultaneously ridicule and buttress the same argument, summoning a quirky sense of humor in their scathing critiques or heartfelt apologia. However, preliminary genetic tests also correlate Dramanaut personality type with spastic colon and propensity towards anal fissures.

Correlation doesn't mean causation retard.

There was no reason to put it on either.

yeah like, I’m personally disgusted by homosexuality and don’t want my kids even knowing they exist because they’re fucking disgusting but it’s like, your life man

wonder what these types would do if their kid came out to them

Probably go after whoever molested them

I’d be long gone by then.