Fires lit in /r/Firefighting by a volunteer with a chip on his shoulder about career; whose hose is bigger?

59  2019-09-09 by PoorlyRoundedSquare


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  1. Fires lit in /r/Firefighting by a v... -,,

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Paid and volunteer fire fighters literally do sit on their asses 90% of their shift because other than Detroit there aren’t many fires anymore. They go on medical calls but fire doesn’t happen much.

Thank you for the info

And even in Detroit, they just contain fires. They don't even fight them

Even back in the day in a lot of places you'd still be sitting on your ass.

My grandfather was a volunteer firefighter and it was more of a social club than anything, they just sat around getting drunk

Until the services were professionalized in the 1930's, in New York fire departments were all ethnic. These days, for whatever reason the fire department is still dominated by the Irish and has practically no black guys in it compared to the actual demographics of the city.

Eh California firefighters can be p intense

That's like once a year

Ya it honestly seems like a sick ass job

My brother says it’s really hard on probation cus they overwork you but after that year or two it’s easy sailing making bank

"making bank" don't they only make like 40k a year?

Lol no dude not out here

He is a first year already making around 7k a month I think

Wildfires are a different story but most of them don’t work all year and aren’t sitting in a station going on a few calls a day most of which are medical

Yeah a lot of the work is medical work nowadays, but I'd still say that's work

It’s not really. Send a engine crew to a medical call to take a meager set of vitals and wait for the ambulance to show up. It ain’t work.

eh its work, the key is shooting shit with the boys isn't too bad

My brother just started as a Cali firefighter and it seems kinda intense but he’s also brand new so they work him to death

Dudes pathetic. Brags about how he got someone fired for calling him a basement dweller, claims he doesn't have feelings, whines about new guys picking on him. Guy has no life outside firefighting.

Then halfway through he said he got a medical call, then he returned to the convo half an hour later!

Keep tabs on this guy, he might keep the laughs coming in.

He mentioned losing his other job because the plant closed down or something. He seems like a dude in a rough spot with the rest of his life.

Emergency services drama is a delicacy if you live in an area where the pay is high and the actual amount of work is low. I used to have a firefighter as a neighbor (he moved out after his divorce) and the chief hated him. So he told him to his face that he was never getting a promotion as long as he worked there. So he promptly sued the town and after a 3 year lawsuit won like $700,000 in compensation.
