Arguing over The Last Jedi in the year of our lord 2019 should be grounds for imprisonment.

86  2019-09-09 by Ghdust2


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Arguing over The Last Jedi in the y... -,,

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Imagine liking any of this trash much less defending it

Holy shit he doesn't like Star Wars, is he alt-right?! 😲

I'm alt-white. Which means I believe strongly in an ethnostate for America, but that ethnostate should only be made up of Whites, African-Americans and Injuns.

casino owner chad Indians > street shitting virgin Indians

How long do you think it would take America to become a third world country without any Asians?


Whitecel cope

I'm 1/16th Native American, thank you very much.

Extinctcel cope

I'm very proud that I can't hold my liquor. It's like all these mayo foidesses on Tinder brag about how much they can drink before getting drunk. "Hey everyone it takes 45 dollars to get drunk! Gaze into my credit card debt!"

Fucking Tinder man.

What were we talking about now?

Whoa whoa whoa. No room for Asians in your dream ethnostate? What about cute, smol Asian women who are only 4'9" yet definitely of legal age? 😥

I would reinstate the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

I unironically hate the movies and the fact that disney has to make everything they do now be canon so no rpgs with the ability to be evil will be made because disney full of fucking cowards

One of the few good things TLJ did was (hamhandedly) show that Dark Side and Light Side weren't too far apart.

It then proceeded to shit all over it in the last 30 minutes.

I never saw a single star wars movie and I still know all the characters, fucking reddit



I hope the leaks are true and TROS is a shitshow.

To quote the avatar of cynicism Richard Evans, "Star Wars fans will hate it, but I'll think it's a glorious mess".

God bless Rich Evan's sad existence

He has the laugh of an angel.

Nobody hates Star Wars like a Star Wars fan.

I hope Mike's batshit insane time travel theory is true cause that would be fucking hilarious

what are the leaks

fucking wow

if these leaks are true lmfao

I really hope they are. It's the perfect cap for the absolute shit sundae mess disney has made of star wars.

Oh my God it is so bad

ahahahhhahahaha she is palpatine's granddaughter

What an asspull

I don't want this to be real but the useless MacGuffins screams jj Abrams and basically confirms it.

It is written by a guy that wrote Justice league. It is going to be fucking awful

oh, oh no


He wrote Argo.

He also wrote batman v superman

The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars movie!

The only good Star Wars media are the original trilogy, and the N64/Dreamcast/PS2 games, anyone still obsessed with Star Wars beyond that has no life.

KOTOR too, anything else is gay though.

You better not be talking shit about Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

I have never watched a single spaceshit movie.

Watch 2001 a space odyssey

There are furries in there

That just makes it worse, no?


Movie is shit what is there to argue over?

If you're old enough to shave and you still argue about Star Wars, you're a dope.