Contra uploads a new video responding to the twitter drama

61  2019-09-09 by TheColdTurtle


Early contestant for “worst thing I’ve seen all week”

You actually watched this bullshit?

about 90 seconds or so scrolling through

This is actually one of her better videos tbh.

She looks really pretty in this! 😍😍😍

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Contra uploads a new video respondi... -,

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Oh snappy, teach me how to be so wise like you

Short snappy is best snappy

Why is my peepee so hard?


The fuck is this?

Imagine rickrolling in current year and thinking its impressive


this is pure cope

Even severely autistic people make fun of Channel Awesome.

I'm wasting my life and all, but even I don't have 8 minutes to waste listening to contra rationalize doing anything more than turning off twitter notifications for a few days.

Heh, "melvin"

I can’t wait for him to drink himself to death.