Female ex-GM of a major Not A Real Sports™ Team gives her thoughts on Pride Day

44  2019-09-10 by Sergster1


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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I fucking hate pride. All of it. Everyone should be in a constant state of shame.

This but unironically.

This but actually unironically


I've seen you've taken the Catholic School pill

You can't spell TERF without Catholic

This but the American version(s) of it.

Based and asian-pilled.

Based and shame pilled. Pride should be exclusively reserved for when you provably have accomplished something very difficult and important. Shame and indifference should be the status quo.

I love the way you walk

I like the way you talk

I like dem milkers

Got DAMN, AntiAlphabet mommy! Gibbe gibbe milky 😍😍

Based Chaebol Milkers 🤤

Nice try, Monte

unlike me Monte's too classy to do this to dem tiddies

I admire her ability to stay composed while 20 year olds that took a poli-sci course once explain why actually she's everything wrong with the world.

Normal functioning human beings are generally able to ignore histrionic attention whores.

China and Korea definitely have different views when it comes to sexuality/gender choices (as do some other more conservative countries around the world) and I didn't think that it wasn't right for OWL, a GLOBAL league, to officially celebrate it knowing that it would not be accepted in certain parts of the world.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this double negative was a typo?

Otherwise, her stance isn't really all that crazy...rather sane imo. But in 2019 you can't be sane.

She missed the part though where gays have the highest disposable income and therefore purchasing power which companies want to bank on.

That's why it and no other holidays are/were celebrated sweaty.

gays have the highest disposable income

where is this? like in the sense that they earn a lot or they spend like teenage girls?

Generally single and no family/kids. So the latter.

If these players and teams are going to be role models for a lot of impressionable kids and young adults. Isn’t it more beneficial to show that games are inclusive of everyone and be a leading figure in that front rather than be swallowed up by a culture that isn’t as progressive?

Alright, gamers, gaming leagues, role models, pride, "inclusivity", it's time for an EMP.

what a poorly thought out take

It seems like a very well thought out take that you just don't agree with, broslice.