Saudi tries to gussy up it's international image

105  2019-09-10 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Saudi tries to gussy up it's intern... -,

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That foid probably took multiple Cleveland steamers

Dubai Porta-potty

Volcel if you still wouldn't


Why can I see that woman's face?

Neither of them are Saudi. She's from Los Angeles.

It’s a beautiful country that has not really discovered its full potential yet🇸🇦 A first world G20 economy with many historical, cultural and religious sites🇸🇦 Saudi has and will always succeed whether the fake news media likes it or not🇸🇦

simmer down abdul you live in a desert slum

A first world G20 economy

All it took is thousands upon thousands of slaves!

Just like any proper first world country

That’s so retarded I have to break character. The pyramids weren’t built by slaves, they were build by respected members of society that were paid in alcohol and meat. After they died they were buried next to the pyramids they built.

Ew, serious posting... Get out.

Sorry, I’ll get back into character.

A real radical centrist would make it so half the people building the pyramids were slaves.


Don't do that shit again.

Inshallah brother

🙏🏽Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness 🙏🏽

There were probably slaves in the quarries that produced the stone for the pyramids, tho.

Sure, if you completely redefine the meaning of the word slave to include people who work of their own free will for low wages that are still higher than what they would get from their own countries then you’re completely right.


the fake news media

I appreciate any time someone uses this phrase because it's a nice indicator that I can stop listening to them or paying them any mind at all

You should stop listening to them and go back to reading Vice, Salon, The Guardian, CNN etc. You're totally not being lied to.

take your meds

Red or blue?

just take a bunch of whatever ya got



Imagine still believing the news in the current year.

is that really how saudi woman look like?

Nah it's how Western escorts who get flown to Saudi Arabia and UAE to be shat on by Sheikhs looks. It's, erm, empowering. Sex work is real work etc.

She's American, from L.A.

Influencer (PBUH)

I'm MtF but also a devout Muslim, so I always wear a burqa in public.

It's this before or after they gobble that fat sheikhs cock for 40 grand

She gobbled the fat sheikhs Scheiße.

Just a reminder as to how based Islam is Saudi Arabia used to he filled with a bunch of different tribes and people Jews Christian's to zooastranians and other weird shit and the based sword of Islam genocide them all

It was mostly pagans and virtually all of them converted to Islam.

Ah the Saudi Defense Force has arrived

take your meds

celts and picts are stil alive

Saudis doing God’s Allah’s work by beheading ‘’influencers’’

this is like Sex in the City 2 but with brown people

Sex in the Sandy

Sand in the Vagi


if you see a girl on a trip to Dubai or SA, just know she's being used as some sheikh's personal toilet

I love that website.

Why would you ever visit sand shitter territory.

Making money honey.

Better be making bank to put up with them

If you see a foid post "holiday" or "travel" pictures where she's the only one in the pictures, no boyfriend/friends present in any of them etc, then you can pretty safely assume she's a sugar baby.

If those pictures are in Dubai/UAE then yes chances are she's being shat on as part of the arrangement. Disgusting.

I have one Facebook friend like that, claims she works as a travel nurse. I'm like yeeeeaaaahhhh. I make six figures and live alone and can't afford even one of the vacations she takes.

Yeah that's not the only thing Saudis do with Instagram prostitutesInfluencers...


please get check for sex flu before you come

the idea of calling an STD, "sex flu" is fucking hilarious

Not a medieval society btw.

Might as well make the Yacht Girls work while they’re there.

Those pictures are awful. Is this what gets people to change their mind?

In the current year, "gussy" can be used as a double entendre. Wish my pa lived to see this day.

Based and punpilled.

Imagine trying to hype up a shit-tier sand country by promoting it with Western Instagram prostitutes who literally gained fame from fucking all the Emirate boys.

hilarious choice there with the sword considering they kept using swords for beheading the infidels. I never figured out why either. Axes are more efficient for that kind of thing so it seems like they're stuck in amateur hour on their beheading game.

Didn't know that sub was a thing.

we have an area called #ChopChopSquare where we publicly behead and crucify ppl for being gay, leaving Islam, or practicing witchcraft...

Wtf I love the saudis now.
