Mayo moid with a POP vinyl figure avatar copes over celebrities being cancelled for attending a comedy show.

49  2019-09-10 by KaaraRaven


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Mayo moid with a POP vinyl figure a... -,

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If trans women are real women then where’s the homophobia? That’s just plain old sexism. You don’t get to chop your dick off and claim you’re a faggot all of a sudden. You were either born a woman trapped in a man’s body or a man who wants to be trapped in a man’s booty. You can’t have it both ways.

Excuse me sweetie, but I'm a gender-fluid aura trapped in a man's body and that aura is very sensitive to all forms of bigotry.

He had jokes about gays too

Anderson Cooper was there so he had gay immunity

as if 95% of them aren't 'gay' to begin with

What if you're nullo

Yes pls look that up sweaty

Everyone who went to Dave Chapelles show should be doxxed so their family and employers can witness how they support white supremacy.

How can one tactic possibly be so based?


What a moron they’re not trying to cancel those people they’re saying it’s awkward that these gays sat through a “homophobic” show and that Dave is a jerk


Anderson Cooper was there? Wow, now I think of him as a human being instead of a gay robot that CNN turns on for the news.

this one made me laugh

cancel culture is the only thing keeping uppity wealthoids in check

I haven't even watched the special, what's the big deal