Ben “That 40s Guy” Garrison says the DEMONRATS are PARASITES that are KILLING the TREE OF LIBERTY!!!!

92  2019-09-10 by Ghdust2


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Ben “That 40s Guy” Garrison says th... -,*

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if only first second and fourth amendment are big enough leafs 5o be seen, does it mean that the rest are dead or that good ol' Ben finds them unimportant?

We need to support the 3rd amendment now more than ever. It underpins the 2nd and 1st.

based and penumbras and emanations pilled

Based and not-quartering-soldiers-during-peacetime-or-during-war-in-a-manner-not-prescribed-by-law pilled

He’s never been a fan of the thirteenth.

I had a Hispanic friend in high school who argued we should repeal the 13th amendment and enslave people going over the border for shits and giggles


It was for a journalism class project about the border

I mean they kinda already found a way to destroy the 6th.

What's the cat?

Now I'm confused and angry. This is what happens when he doesn't annotate literally everything.

might be Soros and the number one rule of Ben Garrison is that if it might Soros it is Soros

thank you

now I see its tail is colored like google so it just means google

its weird though, normally there is at least one explicit Soros on thr picture

Wait, you're right. I thought that was a snake at first.

Maybe he's the syringe.

Soros is the (((globalism))) ax of course.

it's a Google cat. I think you need to be on fentanyl to understand

Google cat tail

But muh 10th amendment

10th amendment gang rise up!

good thing the commerce clause makes the 10th amendment obsolete

Feed me Seymour!

Ben, whose blood are you going to spill? Why is that not labelled?

Pay not attention to what the Garrison has labelled, but to what he has cloaked in silence.

Ben, whose blood are you going to spill?


As if the US could have even a pittance of its current wealth without GlObAlIsM. I don't get why that is such a boogeyman to rightoids. "Globalism" is pretty inevitable in a world with the internet and quick travel/trade methods.

Unfortunately, globalism hasn't found a way to tackle "butthurt" yet.

I think they are on the right track with facial recognition combined with drone swarms tho.

All centrists put in a database to send drones after them


All centrists put in a database to send drones after them

Wow, my very own drone? Fucking based!

Globalism used to be one of the most rightoid things because it makes more efficient companies and lowers costs by allowing specialization.

Rightists don't understand any form of money that isn't a farm subsidies check and hate anyone metropolitan enough to know what hummus is. Of course they act like globalism is a boogie man.

Is garrison willing to fight and die? I'll let him take his stand.

I rather not have another rightoid shoot up a place

Why is there no pepe in this comic, what's going on Ben

Hold up, aint him writting "Im thirsty" pretty much an unironic call for violence? Hes literally personified the tree as dying, and urgently needing people (patriots and traitors) to die so it can have their blood

"Go on yall, go and be sure to die for our cause so your blood can be put to use"

Id say we oughta fill the frontline with boomers, but id be concerned over their blood being too fent diluted at this point

the right: antifa is a terrorist group

also the right:

Rightoids should be ashamed at how ineffective their domestic terrorists have been

That's a good one

finally Demonrat is catching on. i mean, it's so obvious, easy, and effective.

I take full credit for it

Wow as long as you quote a founder you're not being violent apparently even if the quote is calling for death and your clearly referring to your political enemies.

Lol implying that "globalism" is not caused by the right as well. Honestly fuck anyone that fetishsizes attacking your fellow countrymen

Lol the tree even has a syringe in it. Ben being antivaxx never stops being funny.

His head is so far up the collective republican asshole that he thinks it's Google that killed our fourth amendment rights.

In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule...

Long have I served as the guardian spirit...

I am known as the Deku Tree...