Amouranth was banned and fans and haters are fapping to it

98  2019-09-10 by NullIsFuckedLuL


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  1. Amouranth was banned and fans and h... -,,

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Some twitch thot

Can we copy strike /r/drama?

Arguably one of the most famous twitter thots. Probably has made millions over the years by doing dumb ass shit like playing a dancing game in skimpy chlothes.

We did reddit

Who would have thunk that titty streaming thot could be a career option

The thousands of betas who are responsible for paying her bills.


If I was a thot Iā€™d so grift all these losers for money

Iā€™d be the thorniest slut on all of twitch


You can get paid when you have a vagina sweaty



Wait, I'm one of her mods, can I ban people? Like I literally don't know what mods actually can do lmao

I'm a r/trappysaruh mod too. As soon as I figure out how the mod tools work, I'm banning trussy haters

we should mod trussy haters till they love it

ewww gross

Do you still have balls?

not in a week

Will I get my pick by then?

probably after. i already took pics but i didnt like them. u deserve to wait for asking for such an annoying shot anyway


yes!! orchi!! thank you :)

Wishing you the best, hun!!!


It was for a good cause.

Oh wow, big step. Best of luck trappy


When are you going to go on twitch and have your 'oopsie' moment?

im a gamer not a thot

.. aren't they the same?

im a gamer


Imagine not taking money from paypigs.



>not having your very own paypig farm that thanks you every time you take their wageslave/neet bux

>not making other gamercels seethe as you earn a living through minimal effort


not making other gamercels seethe as you earn a living through minimal effort

not being born into minimal effort


not being born into minimal effort

Then why did Yakub not give you the right dangly bits in the first place?


troid > foid/moids

Bring a poor troid with manly ass hon genes must be next level suckage.

Congrats on getting lucky.

Congrats on getting lucky.

everyday is a treasure!

Anyone who has observed foid behavior for the past 4000 years?

I wish I was a hot girl. Not cause I'm transgender or anything, but just so that I could make a living while people watch me sit in front of a computer and do nothing all day. I mean that's basically my job now, but it seems like it would be more honest

Another white woman banned for getting lewd with her dog.

Risky click of the day, thar b vaginussy up in there


The way she is whispering to him in a sultry voice really drives the point home. This bitch fucks dogs.

Thot Patrol Rise Up

Imagine being one of her mods. You paid thousands of dollars, only to have a little green sword next to your name and a power to ban some other sad fuckers with it when they insult the lady. And now, it's all gone, all that power is gone. And your e-thot doesn't give a shit, unless you join her Patreon.

They don't do it for free. They paid to do it and now Twitch took it all away.

Imagine being one of her mods.

Jesus Christ

that actually makes me want to minecraft myself wtf

God, reading this makes me terrified at the thought of r/drama getting banned. That'll never happen, right? Ć³vĆ²

time for them 2 find a new woman to hate

Yea ur mom


horry shit


isn't that like a black metal band or something

That's Amon Amarth.

Amon Amarth are Melo Death not black metal jesus christ this place is just a bunch of tourists

Lmao metal is for autists

Perfect for /r/drama then

No the bad kind


I'm cumming idk about you but I really am šŸ˜

Brands should send cease and desist orders to any streamers who film their products without express permission from the companies themselves. Why sponsor someone who will inevitably be kicked off the platform for a sex crime?

Excuse me but I watched for her pro 'Just Dance' content.

Wardrobe malfunction

I was about to throw my Twitch shirt away, but luckily I came on Reddit and seen the good news. Thank you OP! Maybe the ASMR and IRL categories will be a little cleaner and more positive now that she is banned. She was basically a cam whore pretending to be a Twitch streamer.

Gamers šŸ™„