Popular mayo e-thot patrolled by globo-corp for seducing her dog on video-game stream.

29  2019-09-10 by ThousandQueerReich


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Popular mayo e-thot patrolled by gl... - archive.org, archive.today

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Wow the dogpill is real


Why the fuck do people watch this shit

She's literally just rolling around on the floor petting her dog

Like is her regular content like this except without the vag flash

Some people get for a crumb of puss. Other, lesser people, hold out viewing twitch streams for a glimpse of guss.

Why not just go watch a camgirl or just go to gone wild and see actual naked chicks

Ruins the immersion. The people shelling out for twitch streamers can picture themselves in the friendzone, scoring a glimpse of vag during a chance encounter.

actually interacting with a naked foid is just plain unrealistic.

fucking hell, I was like 98% sure she had a penis. oh well...