/r/PewDiePieSubmissions in meltdown mode as (((mods))) try to hid the obvious fact that Pewds is being blackmailed into donating to the ADL by (((them))).

131  2019-09-11 by NotAllGamers


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. /r/PewDiePieSubmissions in meltdown... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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You disgusting anti-Semitic pig, how dare you endorse a religion that (((them))). You are a nazi.

By Allah I know that you did not just type those words khafir! You Alb*nian scum, I spit on you 'tfu' 'tfu'. Soon we will sound the trumpet of Jihad and the fiery crown of Allah will fall from the heavens to crush the infidels. Inshallah brothers.

Yahweh will crush you, when the messiah comes. He will make you suffer, (((we))) control the universe, with our big noses and small flat hats, we can crush you with the help of the US.

This bot needs to be stopped.

It's an obvious fact that (((they))) made streaming to earn money and control the media. Goy veyy disagree with me because they want shekels.

goy vey

lmao just love to see this community implode on itself

PDP proves his community is a bunch of Nazis while trying to prove they’re not a bunch of a Nazis


chapo check

66 of watermark1917's last 288 comments (22.92%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Sep. 11, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 912.


Did you really chapocheck watermark...


11 day old account, already has 288 comments, and it's all chapo faggot shit.

It's the king of the neets, everybody!

It's clearly an alternate account. Someone's sensitive about his personal and political life.

It's watermark2002 probably got banned




Good bot

Yikes sweaty, real oofer this one smh

I don't need PewDiePie to tell me Gen Z are Nazis.

PDP's audience isn't GenZ, it's 25-30 year old millenials who started watching him in like 2010 or something.

In the beginning he was a kid-friendly youtuber and as they got older he got edgier until finally saying the gamer word.

Why the fuck do i need to be a Nazi to hate Jews? i just hate them because it's common sense. It's also common sense that the Nazis were a bunch of faggot losers.

Are you a commie?

Nazbol gang


Shut the fuck up chapocel

You act as if being a greasy obese smelly communist is any better.

Jews bad, goys mad


What a bunch of retards

The ADL gets no thanks for rooting out online celebrities who launder white supremacy

PDP fans

“Haha,the ADL is bullies caling us racists when we arent,so dumb”

Still PDP “ADL are jews and jews are bad,also im still not a Nazi”

the ADL is bullies caling us racists

Sorry dudes, it's just the worst word we could come up with in the middle of a heated gamer moment.

Chapo check

0 of SeriosValorida_'s last 686 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

ChapoTrapHouse is a bunch of liberals.

The ADL is a Zionist organization that tries to paint criticism of the (((motherland))) as being anti-semitic.

Any criticisms of Israel is anti-Semitic, bigot.

At first Pew die pie fans are like: ha ha of course we’re not alt right anti semites it just edgy humor the nazi stuff is just a joke lighten up

Then pew die pie is like: thats right and to prove I’m a donate a bunch of money to Jewish thing here

Pep fans: WHAT. THE. FUCK. are you giving (((THEM))) money for !?!?!

Don’t be this retarded, he has over 100 million in his fan base. If you try and group them all together then obviously you’re a fucking paint chip eater.

That said, Pewdiepie is the big gay.

Don’t be this retarded, he has over 100 million in his fan base.

100 million identical brainlets who yuk yuk watching you tube dumbys screech nword at strangers

Get his ass

I know that’s what u really want but he’s not going to put out for u and you’re not going to find him and overpower him it’s time to set more realistic life goals


i know you really want to get his ass but its probably not going to happen

I'm not judging i'm just trying to help you move on


Sounds like some body woke up on the fragile side of the bed today

the top post yesterday on their subreddit was a tweet from a literal white nationalist lmao

Honestly once India beat him he lost his purpose.

pretty based comment section

The jannies on that subreddit are hilarious, PewDiePie didn't add any of them but that one guy redditrequested it I guess? Somehow he got there and now he uses it to do self promotion for his shitty YouTube channel plus he added the usual 45 power mods to help out lol. He also will remove or filter out people posting new videos and post them himself. Sometimes the new video doesn't get posted for hours because the mod wants to be the one posting it to get his le karma


sloth on meth

it’s not blackmail, it’s “leave me alone” money.

that being said pewds is a tard for this