Jannies throw water on greasefire of /r/Pewdiepiesubmissions anger towards ADL donation [mic]

44  2019-09-11 by unrulyfarmhand


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Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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Damage control twitter thread.

His newest video where he announced a $50k donation to the ADL had comments sorted to New and any comments mentioning the ADL’s bullshit were deleted.

Censorship by the ADL lol

Good goy!

Waiting for the day where Drama starts ironically posting about the final solution and the day of the rope. Any day now...

Would it help if I did that unironically?

Rope posting about journalists isn’t uncommon here.

Also stop being so sensitive, I didn’t accuse you specifically of being involved.

The only "day of the rope" I unironically endorse is the "day of the jump rope" ya'll Jesus-needing cretins sorely could use.

Based ADL cucking everyone

Wait, the ADL is in charge of YouTube shit now?



Wow saying that the Jews are in charge of YouTube, definitely not suss

I’ve since been informed that they are trusted flangers, which is a different thing, I guess. The comments made it sound like they had total control over demonetization, which would be kinda weird to an outside observer.

they are trusted flaggers

So they do have a role in Youtube censorship.

They released a list of people they wanted off youtube and most of them were suspended. They’ve also boasted multiple times about partnering with youtube to combat hateful content.

The ADL is an extortion racket.

It is not a good look for his community to be so pissed about him donating to an anti antisemitism charity lol

The “charity” was founded to defend a child rapist. They also attempt regularly to override the 1st amendment by classifying things as “hate symbols.”

It was not founded to defend a child rapist you jackass.

You a child rapist or something?

No are you

You forgot the question mark

You forgot the period.

The lack of a period doesn't dramatically change the meaning of a sentence sweaty

Nor does the lack of a question make when it’s obvious to anyone that isn’t retarded that it’s a question

Except it looks unaesthetic as fuck, especially when you had a interjection without a comma in the same sentence

Be a little courtous and don't write comments like a nigger




Shut up


Why do you lie

It’s a fact feel free to prove me wrong

The “charity” was founded to defend a child rapist.

The modern day ADL is retarded but so is your /pol/ack propaganda nonsense.

The ADL’s first case was to defend Leo Frank who raped and murdered Mary Phagan.

He tried to blame it on a black janitor named Newt Lee, but for some reason the very racist police of Georgia in the south believed the black man over Leo. And antisemitism was not common in Georgia at the time.

You’ve got plenty of keywords to educate yourself about this now.

Lmao imagine thinking for a second the nigger didn't do it.

Why would cops in the south in that era believe the black dude?

Because (((we))) were hated even more than niggers.

Even the heavily edited wiki page that tries to absolve Leo claims antisemitism was not common at the time.

Y’all were slaveowners, y’all were good old boys™️ at the time.

Even the heavily edited wiki page that tries to absolve Leo claims antisemitism was not common at the time.

The wikipage is unironically retarded for saying that. At the same times, all unis were trying to keep the jews out via numerus clausus, quota and forbidding them.

Pretending you were hated more than black people in the south in the early 1900’s is pretty rich.

Can you point me to race riots or hate crimes between whites and jews? Probably not.

The fact that Leo Frank tried to frame a black dude and the early 1900’s police didn’t believe him should be more than enough for you to admit Frank did it. Also the letter he tried to claim was written by Mary was a fuckin joke.

tried to frame.

He admitted doing it, lmao. The only point of contention was about wether he did it alone.

He definitely didn’t admit shit, liar.

On May 24, he admitted he had written the notes, swearing that Frank had called him to his office the day before the murder and told him to write them.[61] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Frank

F a g g o t

The very next paragraph:

They were skeptical about the rest of his story, not only because it implied premeditation by Frank, but also because it suggested that Frank had confessed to Conley and involved him.

In a new affidavit (his second affidavit and third statement), Conley admitted he had lied about his Friday meeting with Frank. He said he had met Frank on the street on Saturday, and was told to follow him to the factory. Frank told him to hide in a wardrobe to avoid being seen by two women who were visiting Frank in his office. He said Frank dictated the murder notes for him to write, gave him cigarettes, then told him to leave the factory. Afterward, Conley said he went out drinking and saw a movie. He said he did not learn of the murder until he went to work on Monday.

Frank dictated the murder notes for him to write, gave him cigarettes, then told him to leave the factory.

Sure he did. Sure he did. That's totally believable he wrote this :

mam that negro hire down here did this i went to make water and he push me down that hole a long tall negro black that hoo it wase long sleam tall negro i write while play with me

And didn't think about it. I mean, it's not like he lied multiple times, changing his testimony on the subject, right.

So you’re cool with the first paragraph, but don’t believe the second. Okay, inbred.

Yes, I believe people when they admit to doing a crime, lmao. And of course I don't trust niggers when they say they are good boy who dindu.

Man, this whole “defending a jewish rapist and blaming it on a black guy” thing makes me think you are the ADL. Have you ever been president of the B’Nai B’Rith?

makes me think you are the ADL

We had already established you were a retard, yes.


Yes and planned Parenthood was founded to stop poor black people from reproducing, Republicans freed the slaves, and Hitler got his ideas from America.

Thanks for the ancient history lesson Gramps but you fail to recognize none of that is relative today

I didn’t say any of those things. Keep deflecting, inbred.

an anti antisemitism charity

Imagine believing this.

The 4chan threads are pretty good, it’s a solid mix of red hot zoomers and aloof boomers.

