The Tru Tru

7  2019-09-11 by Drama_Paladin


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. The Tru Tru -,

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That's why I pay her.

That website hurts my eyes. Unironically they are kind of right that Indians are basically white. Idk about the genetics, but aesthetically they are dusky mayos.

Idk about the genetics, but aesthetically they are dusky mayos.

It is actually quite interesting.

I saw a documentary about how wigs made of real human hair are produced. The hair is like 90% Indian hair, because first Indians like to donate their hair to some temples which sell it to the wig manufacturers and secondly because Indian hair is pretty much identical to European hair. There is also no relevant difference between North and South Indians in hair structure.

They mentioned a genetic study that Indians and Europeans split around 20,000-30,000 years ago. So the genetic connection is much much older than the Indo-European language family. And it also includes the Dravidian South Indians. Which explains why they basically look like mayos with black skin.

Where the drama?