Football-basketball-American hybrid at the centre of ongoing normie drama decides to up the ante and LITERALLY JIZZ ON A RANDOM FOID FOR THE #BANTS. r/NFL mods take the side of #JizzTonio and y’all can’t behave the entire thread. BONUS IMAGE: HE FUCKING TEXTS THE FOID TO BRAG ABOUT IT

42  2019-09-11 by 3D_women_disgust_me


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Football-basketball-American hybrid... -,

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And here’s the absolute Jemma Jameson madlad texting this foid laughing about how he’s rich AND JIZZED ON HER BACK WHEN SHE WASN’T LOOKING LMFAO

lmao based

somebody mod this man

Its hard to translate ebonics

what you gone blast don't fucking write my phone lien bitch thought it was easy to get a come up !

Imagine hiring this guy to work for you.

It’s clearly 2 different sentences though “ I jack my dick on your back !slept with u n bed !”

The person who wrote this has already made more money than I will in a decade. Hmmm

Strange how these accusations only come out once he's with the Pats 🤔

Antonio Brown's lawyer had a statement out in like 2 hours. And Mike Mayock alluded to AB's actions speaking louder than words. These court cases don't just appear out of nowhere, this has been being worked on for weeks probably.

this has been being worked on for weeks probably.

probably surreptitiously covered up by raiders front office too, until AB decided to act like the retard he is

t. coping Patriots fan

Seething 18-1cel

Imagine actually caring about ballshitters.

Fuck off nerd

I'm not the one memorizing all the statistical numbers of someone whose sole talent is getting an empty animal skin from random point A to random point B. Literally worse than useless.

Spoken like a tier 1 autismo

Hahaha I can be reductivist and that means I'm smart. There is nothing more intelligent than being able to break something down into its more simplistic elements and use that to attempt to remove all meaning from it.

Still not the one memorizing statistics for fun. Nerd.

Lmao I don't even follow sports, I just happen to not be an autistic pseudo-intellectual and can understand why others enjoy it so much.

Worrying about people moving a ball about is literally more childish than capeshitters. At least capeshitters know it's not real.

Caring about soortball just means you care about people running around with inflated animal skin

I can be reductionist, too! You're literally just a sack of meat, blood, muscle, and bones! You'd still be that same sack if meat, muscle, blood and bones if you wrote "Brooks was here" and hung yourself, so therefore hanging yourself is the exact same as not hanging yourself! 😁

Oh honey, please stick to seething and coping. Don't try to hurt yourself trying to engage in activities you clearly aren't suited too. Ok sweaty?