Andrew betabux Yang could possibly be attending next presidential debate in clown custome

75  2019-09-11 by Throwmeawayhard7


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Andrew betabux Yang could possibly ... -,

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So he's finally taking his campaign as seriously as everyone else is?

Lol based Stevie French. This proposal isn’t anymore clownish than giving everyone 1K gib bux

TBF he is so far behind at this point he needs to pull out all of the stops, try and go the trump route so the media eats it up.

He should whip out his tiny yellow dick and furiously masturbate on stage while loudly humming vaguely-recognizable commercial jingles until he blows a fat load all over Kamala Harris’s lips and chin.

He should shout out /r/aznmasculinity

Wait do you play RS2 at all

I don't know what that is


RuneScape 2?

The first candidate to show up in a sleek bodysuit, promising to meme us into the future, wins my vote.

Can you afford transistor surgery at 12k/year? Asking for a trend.

What would transistor implants do, exactly?


Yang/Vermin Supreme 2020

Real talk: if I were any of these guys’ campaign managers, I would suggest some kind of different look to set them apart. A vest, an ascot, a tie pin, something.

Santorum did the sweater vest and I remember that to this day. I also remember people put a pretty gross entry into urban dictionary for him.


He should wear a suit that looks like a sheet of $100 bills.

Damn he's really going to do it. He's really going to show up in blackace