Bill Burr getting #Cancelled as his special drops.

149  2019-09-11 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

Stolen from hardislife

Bill Burr’s new special is out today! It is executive produced by Dave Becky, who threatened and blacklisted the women Louis C.K. sexually assaulted.

Bill Burr’s new comedy special is a gutbuster, conservative comedy connoisseurs confirm

I like Bill Burr and all but what is it with Netflix comedy that leads them all to believe you can just spew all kinds of transphobic/sexist nonsense, and think it’s funny?

Watching the new Bill Burr standup special. 90 seconds in & he’s already talking about how “triggered” everyone is. Fresh fresh stuff. Never forget, if you don’t find this material incredibly genius its bc you lack a sense of humor & are triggered & not bc its been done to death.

Wow! I watched Bill Burr’s new special and it’s really refreshing to watch a white married guy bitch about his wife.

the good thing about the bill burr special is that he was never in half baked so there’s no pressure to pretend it’s funny

Holy fuck would you guys come up with actual material? What the fuck happened to comedy? Chappelle and now Bill Burr just going after the easiest targets without putting any thought into your form. It’s not that you’re too offensive and I’m “triggered” but the jokes aren’t funny.

Really disappointed in the Bill Burr Netflix special. The first half is painfully unfunny “look how stupid metoo was, and fuck feminists” bullshit. Which is made worse by the second half being actually funny. Oh well, I can’t say I am surprised.

the new #BillBurr special should be called “Low-Hanging Fruit for Mouth Breathers”. I won’t be surprised when trump appoints him. this is entertainment for those who think “Suck my f’in dick, bitch!” is a funny joke.

@netflix why are you even producing terrible crap like #BillBurr #PaperTiger . Thats not Comedy. Its litterrally just a straight white man complaining about being treated the way straight white men have always treated everyone else since the beginning of time. I didnt laugh once.


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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Imagine being so anti-fun you make even Bill Burr seem funny.

Hey fair enough

Its a great special

Not as good as the specials when I was growing up.

It's gonna be okay

How'd you get out here dad? Here let me get you back through the security door so the nurses can help you.

There's still room on the short bussy

It started a bit weak, but really got me laughing hard after the first 10 minutes

You make a funny person seem funny?

Dude you should check out this guy, Andrew Dice Clay. I bet you'd love him.

Write some material if youre so great then retard

Why? You're already providing the laughs.

Wow how will i ever recover from this EPIC comment

We all find a way. Come back when you have something to say.

How appropriate! You fight like a cow!

Dice cannot be defended by anyone younger than 45.

Comedy didn't exist back then. Go watch the SNL auditions for the original cast if you doubt me.

Dice is hilarious fuck are you talking about

Its like these people are surprised that Bill Burr, a man whose whole schtick for his entire career has been “angry Boston man”, said un-pc things.

None of these people have ever watched his comedy before

Nor did they watch this. They just read an article about it.

{my favourite feminist blog} said this is bad, so I'm going to say it's bad and let you assume I actually formed my own opinion.

When being woke is hard, and you're lazy


If you watch David Cross last Netflix special, he told a group of people walking out on his set that they had no excuse to be pissed since they have the internet and should know he says offensive shit.

If you watch David Cross' last Netflix special

Well I know what I'm doing tonight

They probably have, but they're now champions of sjw nonsense because it's hip now.

they aren't surprised they just want to deprive the world of humor so everyone can be as insufferable as they are.


I'd like to read more about this.

Link? I remember reading about this.

conservative friends

Read: non-woketarded nonpozzed normie friends


They aren't entirely devoid of humor, they have thousands of trump jokes!

And zero of them are funny because they're too mad for realz.

My favorite joke is when they take a picture of themselves flipping off trump hotels with the caption, "Fuck Trump". Hilarious and it never gets old.

My favorite is the picture of people propping their noodle arms up on scenery so they can get a picture of themselves flipping off the Trump tower

I'm not really a fan of those, because the Hotels always say Trump instead of Glormph.

its mainly one though isnt it

Orange man isn't good.



I've been saying for years that the real goal of super liberal, SJWs is to make the world as miserable as they are. Not a thing to do with social justice or politics - just good old fashioned "misery loves company".


F isn't for family, it's for "Fuck you I'm Bill Burr"

I'm personally surprised, but only because I'd heard that ole Billy Red Nuts had gotten all woke since his kid was born.

people who think that weren't bill burr fans, they were incels who saw shitty youtube mashups of various shit he's said over the years that was anti-broads

he's always been extremely centrist, unironically. he bashes everybody

No one should be surprised, but neither should anyone defend anything that comes from the sewer that is Boston.

it's one thing to be un-pc and another to say boring predictable shit. i was expecting to hear about the attack helicopter at any point during this special

It's annoying as fuck when progrssivecels try to mask their asspain by going "ugh it's so boring at this point."


If it was boring then he wouldn't ve getting cancelled sweaty

a few jackasses on twitter post about you = you got cancelled apparently

That's pretty much what it is, though sometimes it's a swing and a miss


The funny thing is rightoids think Bill Burr is too soft and a cuck now lmao.

d'ooooohhh geezus


Damn, digging your custom CSS

ty bb it's the eternally online version of getting a new suit. I feel fresh as fuck

haha faggot


He's literally a cuck

Right, he has a daughter

Do he though?


think about it logically

Hits pipe

IMHO bill's special isnt nearly as good as dave's. Something about Dave's feels ground breaking. Bill's is just more bill stuff.

Wouldn't call it groundbreaking but its nice to see someone legitimately, Unironically not give a fuck on stage.

There were posts in some gay subreddit i can't remember saying how bitter he looked, like how autistic do you have to be to think he in any way looks unhappy on stage lmao.

Unironically not give a fuck on stage.

maybe thats what it was. Whatever it is, i feel its missing in bill's special


Ok you DO know who you're comparing him to right?

Picking a winner between these guys lol we're fucking spoiled when it comes to standup.

I laughed more at Bill's. Chappelle can get pretty preachy which I don't always like.


He's whipped as hell by that bitch wife of his.


Damn what you got against his wife

She's a talentless bitch

I mean look how he lets his wife push him around. even Raymond from Everybody loves Raymond had more of a spine

Like Burr said, everything is funny and jokes to someone until the subject relates to them.

"NoW iTs NoT jOkEs ItS sTaTeMeNtS"

The podcast where he had a liberal cunt AND a rightwing douchebag give him hate mail was such a perfect showcase of what he meant.

Twitter was a mistake

The internet was better before it was dumbed down enough for women, children and minorities.

It’s weird how Wokies like to cope by saying “it’s b-been done before, it’s not funny anymore” when they seethe every time it has happened. The seethe is funnier than the comedy, and it makes people laugh every time. People will stop making fun of you when you stop saying stupid shit. You seem to recognise that with Daddy but not internally



Lemme guess, middle class white YA female? How could Bill Burr punch down so hard?!



I was just thinking the same thing. "It's been done before" yeah, and you guys bitched then too. Fuck off.

Anyone whose primary form of entertainment consists of clicking on maymays (i.e. 90% of twitter powerusers and reddit users) has no right to complain about anything being repetitive

Mayos cannot punch down. It's impossible.

"It's been done before!"

*proceeds to tune in for Colbert's 9-millionth Trump joke*

I like bill burr but this is seriously problematic. Just because his wife’s black doesn’t give him carte Blanche to be problematic y’all

These are the ""people"" telling you your jokes suck

It's like they realised we were mocking their soyfaces so they tried to go fully in the opposite direction by scowling into the camera.

soyface -> fagscowl

It looks like they forgot their glasses and are just squinting to see their phone screen.

when the mayocide begins, I want these people incharge of the culling

tbf those are pretty fucking funny

all I see are pedos, aka male feminists

It's so rare that any of them are actually attractive, men or women. Top dude especially looks like a pile of shit.

Bill Burr saying everyone is too soft and "triggered" and then getting exactly those sorts of replies is the equivalent of some Twitter astrology "witch" making a dumb comment about men being useless and soft and then saying "see? these comments prove it"

That said, I loved the special.

What I liked about the special was how in the second half he contradicts himself. Which he admits to doing often on his podcast. The amount of times I've heard him say something along the lines of "i don't know, mabye I'm being an asshole." Is pretty high.

In the first half he gets mad at how triggered people are, but then in the second half, explains how everything sets him off. He's always at "75" and that he doesn't handle his emotions well.

How in the first half he says male feminists can no way understand a women's experience. But then during the Elvis doc, tries to understand how his wife sees it.

I think that's the best take away. That we're all human. We all fuck up, and we're all gonna kill eachother in the end.

Now do I think he intended for this? I don't know.

Do I think people will see it this way? Definitely not.

Does the public opinion effect my opinion of it? Absolutly. I believe his voice adds to the discourse. And to ignore the reaction of his set would be like not hearing part 2.

Does the public opinion of the special matter to Bill Burr? No. That's his point. We're all Paper tigers. Even if we try, we ain't gonna do anything and his and our voices don't matter.

That's what I liked. That there was a resemblance of a man underneath all that yelling.

Overall. It seems like a comic who has earned his chance become to be the best at what he does, who's on fire and in the spotlight, is trying to wedge his persona in at time that isnt for him. He starts his special trying to convince us that the Me Too movement is over. That's where he lost me, because a guy who's suppose to be down to earth and real, in my opinion, isn't living in reality anymore. I think the success has gone to his head.

I left with more grief then joy. I rather get that from a feminist and learn somthing outside my comfort zone as a take away. Instead I got the voices I battle everyday screaming at me at a 10.

I like him, hope for a peaceful time. Hopefully he'll do a whole set about sports.

Sincerely A straight white male from Boston who moved to LA to persue comedy.

shut the fuck up

Fresh 🍝


No one who cares about bill burr cares what these people think or say.
t. Dont care about bill burr

Au contraire, I absolutely care what these people say, their irrational anger is hysterical.

Imagine having a stick so far up your ass you think Chappelle/Burr/CK/etc are the problem with society while corporations rape us to death.

I would never haven known about his new special is woke twitter didnt sperg out and cause this post. Their overreaction will now cause me to watch it. Ironic.

Wokeies giving free advertisements to the people they hate, tale as old as time. It's like they've somehow deluded themselves into thinking that the majority of people find them incredibly annoying, not an insignificant number of us to the point where we'll will do the opposite of what they're trying to scold us into just as a "fuck you."

Chappelle's latest special was hilarious as fuck, glad these outrage culture folks have found another gem for me.


D'awwwwww did his mean words hurt your fee fees?

Poor widdle baby. Welcome to /r/drama, your safe space.

fuckin faggot.

D'awwwwww did his mean word hurt your fee fees?

Poor widdle baby. Welcome to /r/drama, your safe space.

fuckin faggot.

Ultra cringe

U tried

F isn't for family, it's for "Fuck you I'm Bill Burr"

Making fun of us is going after the easiest targets imaginable you coward!

produced by Dave Becky, who threatened and blacklisted the women Louis C.K. sexually assaulted.

Ok but how is this a bad thing? They definitely deserved it. Those women let him do it because he was a star, then pretended to regret it later for attention when they literally could have just looked away.

could have just looked away

Have you ever seen Louis' crank? Thought so.

After hearing his joke on male feminists, I'm convinced he browses r/drama.

It's okay, I guess...

Nothing there /r/drama was not aware

Spell it out for the -slurs, kthxplz

These people are fucking braindead

Every Twitter blue check-

"I really like this comedian and always have but here are 15 tweets about why he was never good and was always garbage"

Lol that dumb bitch said he blocked the door...which the chicks never even accused him of. They just make this shit up and it becomes true in their warped minds.

Well yea buddy that's the main cause of all the shit we are in now. People making up shit then or exaggerating something to gigantic proportions and everyone believing it .

lmao what do you wanna bet every one of those sadbrains gushed over Hannah Gadsby's special

also this is the only thing any of them have ever or will ever produce of any lasting value:

Hannah Gadsby

literally who googled her and found this gem on the wikipedia page.

Gadsby is openly lesbian and often refers to her sexuality in her stand-up routines.

No one would have ever guessed she was lesbian based on the photos. I mean literally no one ever would guess that.

Oh geeze talk about a load of dumb cunts trippin balls over someone whos been in the biz longer than theyve been alive. I wonder when it will be socially acceptable to start bitch slapping these over zealous babies.

They scream "punch nazis" --- Here they are trying to 'burn books' because they don't like what they say, time to punch some nazis babe.

Yet these people consider "ORANGE MAN BAD" to be the height of comedy.

leftoid redditor: its just bad comedy! i, uhh dont care that other people are offended at all! I would totally be talking about this if the comedy set wasnt PrObLeMaTiC


When the woketard's find it hard to hide the cope

It is just because they can't help themselves from commenting on it but also don't want to seem triggered.

It’s the left’s version of “the left can’t meme”

No, the left legitimately can't meme. Have you ever seen r/politicalhumor in your life?



tbf the same people saying Bill Burr should be cancelled also thought Nanette was funny so they clearly are unaware of what comedy is

Yes, try harder to normalize Trump. Sorry, it's not going to work.

America is Wrestlin.

Donald J Trump is a World Wrestlin Hall of Famer AND the 45th President of America. What is more normal in the current year?

didnt louis ck just jack it into a pot plant for willing viewers though when did he assault people

Hoes mad [x24]


I’m actually glad woke people sperg about this stuff. I don’t usually watch these things, but imma watch this tonight


I usually wait for Twitter wo go crazy about something before I tune far it has not let me down. Guess what I'm watching tonight with the roomies?

Bill burrs latest special was ass though even the crowd was silent, Dave Chappelle did the stick better and Louie CKs leaked special had more laughs. This just felt like a long ramble I heard better jokes on his podcast. The best joke was not believe all woman and he said a better version of it on YouTube.


Saying "I will be cancelled for this" during your show does not shield you from valid criticism nor does it make your bullshit funnier. Comedians: cut that shit out.

It's as if he is annoyed that he is predictable

It's ironic because this is EXACTLY the response he expected.

Absolutetly horrible, you'd think that pig got famous for doing bits about gold digging whores or something

Surprised it took this long to be honest.

Bill is our guy. He touched on the breed of peace, the male feminist being a wolf in sheep's clothing and the mayo foid menace

When people call this guy a conservative, I know that they're retarded.

When anyone calls any comic a conservative aside... who.. Larry the Cable Guy maybe? I know they're retarded. That dude also apparently just plays a character and is totally different in his day to day.

Like guys.. Foxworthy and Engval and White who are the 3 closest things red state comedy all spout typically rather liberal ideas.

This guy constantly talks about corporate corruption of politics, just because he makes some funny jokes about insane feminists doesn't make him an insane racist right winger. THE DUDE MARRIED A BLACK CHICK.

I think he said it best in his special "I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I'm pretty sure white women started it" - if you're looking for permission to laugh at that very hysterical statement, go ahead, I as a white woman give you permission, because god damn that is the best assessment I've heard of recent times.

World has turned into a bunch of bitch ass niggas

dying at the Kapernick "My brother watched 9/11 on TV arrhahraahahaarahh!" segment rn

don't know who this is, I'm not bothered educating myself before i make a comment. but if you're making triggered jokes in 2019, not are you not funny but you deserve to be hated by both sides and shouldn't reproduce

Your daddy should have farted in mommies mouth instead

Bill Burr's got enough white knights so whatever, but in a larger sense when are these people just going to realize that they don't like standup comedy? If you want to watch tiresome confessional self-pitying bullshit like Nanette or Tig Notaro go right the fuck ahead, but don't project those standards onto a genre that they most assuredly do not belong to.

Watching the new Bill Burr standup special. 90 seconds in & he’s already talking about how “triggered” everyone is. Fresh fresh stuff. Never forget, if you don’t find this material incredibly genius its bc you lack a sense of humor & are triggered & not bc its been done to death.

Broke: Jokes about people who are incredibly fucking triggered all the time

Woke: Being incredibly fucking triggered all the time

Bespoke: whatever the fuck Hannah Gadsby is doing

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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