r/insanepoeplefacbook mods lock a thread and sticky a post calling everyone retarded when user base bitches about blatant politics posting

66  2019-09-11 by Corporal-Hicks


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Theres lots of anti sjw and reeesist posting spammed to most large subs. The best thing to do is remove, but I’m not going to lie, y’all can’t behaving a post causes delicious drama.

No, he isn't. This man has no sense of humor and has never made a joke in his life.

Wew lad

the irony of them claiming that on THIS of all days lol


Anyone who says this isn't funny is lying https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1166839524762296320

objectively amazing tweet tbh

I mean do you seriously expect anyone with any semblance of intelligence to believe this. That’s your problem. You play to the lowest common denominator. You bring our country down by lying and manipulating your constituency so you can win (protect yourself). 2024 expiration 🤫

This is the top reply and it's so catastrophically, mind bendingly, indisputably stupid that I have to just believe its controlled oppo by the boomers just to continue living my life without being mentally effected by it.

I think that's proof the jannie is retarded here. Trump has made a lot of comments along the lines of "haha I want to be a ruler for life haha only joking" that its starting to get suspicious but saying he never jokes is retarded.

Ahh man, the sweet sweet sound of literal insanity.

Trump is a retard but the man is hilarious. He might not always be doing it intentionally but some of his tweets are incredible.

"I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke!"

followed up by

"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage."


The problem is he didn’t add a /s for the retards in the crowd.

I feel like stickying your political beliefs at the top of a thread unironically is kind of an uncool thing to do, regardless of what you believe in, but it’s his sub, I guess. If that’s what they’re into lol, whatever.

I feel like stickying your political beliefs at the top of a thread unironically is kind of an uncool thing to do

Well yeah its a jannie what do you expect

Now I know what jannie finally means, thanks


Jannies should keep politicope off of non political boards

So these people have been chanting #impeach for 4 fucking years now. If trump wins 2020, same shit. If he decided to make himself a dictator, I really fucking doubt these people would do anything but bitch on twitter.

This post ain't even a Facebook post I'm confused what the sub is about now 😂

Basically "something I don't find funny"

But the post wasn't even a joke or anything