/r/Pewdiepiesubmissions nukes the ADL thread from high orbit. Inshallah this is how the mayocide begins.

25  2019-09-11 by lolnope06


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. /r/Pewdiepiesubmissions nukes the A... - archive.org, archive.today

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Daddy, are these bugmen?

All pewdiepie fans are bugmen

What are the blackmail claims even based on?

Oh nothing at all Im sure.

I really wonder what these people think ADL has over pewdiepie. Do they think that they were going to produce more articles calling him a nazi if he didn't give them money?

The idea that if you pay them money they wont slander you. Which is the ADL status quo.

They already slander him as a nazi tho



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