mod goes nuclear in publicFreakout over loose fitting content, bans people for challenging. oh lord the cope 🍿 👀

35  2019-09-11 by i_Chapo-d_my_pants


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womp womp


  1. mod goes nuclear in publicFreakout ... -,

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god damn the admins for taking away our pinging

Legends tell of the day it will return to us

The lord Belial demands a burnt offering. Should we propitiate him enough, he shall return the ping to our realm. However, it carries a great curse.

I like how moloch sacrifices work personnally.

What I am saying is : "prep the bull".

Wow. They do this for free

Y'all posters get the first chopper rides.

Seems like the mod thing to do. They are usually insecure loners who have no experience with real life socializing. So any criticism brings backs the ptsd of mommy not hugging them enough and aunt Tom putting a finger in their bum.

we should mod this guy just to fuck with him

TBF public freakout is becoming stupid generic I want to see people flipping the fuck out in public not whatever random shit this is.

Yep. The amount of "happy freakouts" they allow there is disgusting. The wholesome shit does not belong there.

Yeah and I want to see more cool shit from third world countries which is apparently "too gory" or "contains death". I'm really hoping /r/indialynching takes off.

not going to lie I don't really love the gore

Lynching is obviously the superior form of law enforcement, fuck tha police

Publicfreakout is the best sub for drama if you just look at the posts with black people in them, scroll down to the first one and you will see thousands of downvotes in that thread somewhere. It really is nice.