Im home
11 2019-09-11 by WhtnBlk
Now with that title you'd think i love drama. Nope i just love subs that let you be a huge dripping cunt and not having to worry about shadowbans. So lemme introduce myself. Eat my fucking cock you degenerate antisocial virgin mouth breething jerking off in yo mommas basement ass motherfuckers. Thats all for now. I hope to insult you all in the future.
1 OxidizeAtlantic 2019-09-11
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Love youuuuuuuuuuu
1 Kat_B0T 2019-09-11
Great another edgy gamer incel. Just what r/drama needed 🤦🏿♂️
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
The sub is called r/drama. Not r/only drama i approve of. So sit down n shut de fook up.
1 Kat_B0T 2019-09-11
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Long cut or fine? Or even pouches?
1 companyfry 2019-09-11
Haha like COPEenhagen genius
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Haha smartpants you are
1 [deleted] 2019-09-11
1 chimpan_z 2019-09-11
hey I'm not a mouthbreather
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Its ok. Youre prob just a dumb cunt lmao
1 chimpan_z 2019-09-11
ur dad
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Is a prick lmao i like this game. Ok ill go this time. Your mother!
1 chimpan_z 2019-09-11
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Long cut or fine? Or even pouches?
1 SirCuljurk 2019-09-11
You're gay
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
You know it lol
1 Jeb4Pres2020 2019-09-11
Sorry zoomerfriend, but you're going to have to leave. This sub is only for people who have jobs that give you your own desk.
1 WhtnBlk 2019-09-11
Glad i work from home. I doubt an office would approve of my lazyboy infront of the computer.