๐Ÿ‘Get๐Ÿ‘a๐Ÿ‘ fucking๐Ÿ‘real๐Ÿ‘job๐Ÿ‘ (AKA powermod once again proves internet jannies are the most pathetic beings in existence)

67  2019-09-11 by goldfish_memories


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. ๐Ÿ‘Get๐Ÿ‘a๐Ÿ‘ fucking๐Ÿ‘real๐Ÿ‘job๐Ÿ‘ (AKA powe... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

These โ€˜peopleโ€™ unironically have ruined this site. Imagine caring about what subreddits exist, itโ€™s so fucking easy to make one.


Bardfinn is a legendary retard

Imagine waking up as bardfinn in a day, stepping out of the rancid cheese he calls bed and nearly slipping on a pissjug. Checking his mail at his trailer court mail box and being pissed because welfare isnt what it was last month. Lamenting that he needs a woman, and thinking "maybe this will be the day, if I just defend m'lady a little harder online, one of them will pick me"


I thought Bardfinn became the girlfriend.

That's just the next step, eventually after never getting a woman, he transitions to being one

Some years ago, I joined a cult. We ended up preforming some pretty dark rituals that called upon Eldritch Gods using the blood of Innocents to incarnate the very essence of smug into a human form and the result was Bardfinn.

Sorry about that

Yeah, that's about the fastest I've ever hated someone


This is wrong. Admins have known about its existence for at least a month, since they decided the sub for German users.


Stop defending the admins








What part of that comment do you object to?


I'm thankful Europe (or rather Germany) can do what the USA can't:

Shutting down libertarians and male feminists.


They can't do much about those Muslims tho


Reddit Admins do not have the time, nor, generally, the ability (especially on the job) to just read through a subreddit arbitrarily and make decisions on the fly about it

Literally spent more time writing that reply than it would take to browse a subreddit for a few minutes to get the gist of it.

Also, is their job not all things Reddit? ๐Ÿค”

Imagine putting that much effort into a comment let alone anything on the internet that isnโ€™t posting about bussy

Of course it's bardfinn. Check out r/fairmods , it's the internet equivalent of talking to yourself