Pathetic Excuse of 34 Year Old "Man" Writes a Literal Goodbye Letter to Grieve His Favorite Game. Reportedly, he "Blamed himself, until now", and Spirals into Stories of his Smoking Habit. Proceeds to Get His Metaphorical Cock Sucked by Commentors, Makes Five Separate Edits Regarding Various Awards.

14  2019-09-11 by luckytheleprechaunv4

Some quotes:

"Well, comrades..

I never thought I'd write something like this, but here I am. To whoever it may concern or to whoever may have time (and some strong willpower) to read this.."

"It is humbling to feel so powerless."

"I blame myself for not wanting to try again, and again after trying again, and again."

"I feel stranded and with little or no purpose."

And, Ladies and Gentlemen, the quote which takes the cake:

"I failed you, Battlefield. You're my favourite game, I always loved you, and I failed you. That hurts more than it should for a 34 year old dude."

That was pretty depressing to write. Wow.


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Pathetic Excuse of 34 Year Old "Man... -,,

  2. -,,

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This but unironically

gayest thing i've ever seen

i just took a shower but i'll take another one i think

What matters - and hurts - now is that I feel stranded and with little or no purpose to launch the game whatsoever. Because it's all the same:

Get in a round

Die a lot

Get mashed to base (Fjell) or pointlessly go and die against heavy MGs (Devastation Breakthrough as an attacker.. think about it for a second, it's enraging), feeling ALONE because - outside of your squad (if you're lucky to gather 3 other people wanting to play the game right now) - noone knows what you're thinking, or where they should go.

Get killed by people you wouldn't ever be able to see


That's been the core gameplay loop for every Battlefield multiplayer game for the last decade, maybe he just finally grew up.

Bro he played every battlefield after 2142 and said to himself, "I like this. This is good."

He's probably unironically waiting for Bad Company 3 so the game can "go back to it's roots."

That dude is never gonna grow up.

he's responding to EVERY comment it seems. what a sad individual

this post is the Confessions of Zeno of 2020

I unironically hope videogames get banned.