Commies Consume COPE Because Their Groceries are Empty

79  2019-09-11 by tallcelvolcel


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Commies Consume COPE Because Their ... -,,

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am I b7

So the store is empty because people could actually afford to buy things? I’m confused

Some incredible mental gymnastics in that thread.

Starving with your whole family is actually good for you, you racist chud

When you want to discourage food waste, the harshest way is usually the most effective

What about true communism?

Communal living in building blocks of 400 people max, with a strong community-wide bond over traditional / nationalistic / religious values

Rotating council of 7 temporarily elected community leaders, one of whom would be sent to the local municipal council (of closest 71 communes) as a community representative

Community dining halls, and discouragement of personal kitchens / food preparation. Same for sports/recreational facilities

Emphasis on humble living, with a strong bias against consumerism. The wall for anyone found to have taken part in planned obsolesence

Complete ban on the study of purely theoretical fields and social sciences for anyone under the age of 35

All public works and health costs covered by overseeing federal body, with extremely restricted authority

But why? Are you for this?

Why not? It’s the next logical step for humanity. It may be all we have if the Democrats can’t fix the climate by 2021

the next logical step for humanity

I'm pretty sure the next logical step for humanity has to survive competition with the previous society

I personally am, but admittedly its at least in part due to religious reasons. Widespread implementation is definitely not feasible anytime soon

Why don't you just join a Christian or Buddhist monastery? Far simpler to do that than to worry about how you will basically force all the people's of the world into a single, unified way of life and social organization. That actually sounds nightmarish when you stop to think about it.

Why would i want to force everyone? You might be mistaking me for a tankie

People have different values, different ideals, different beliefs; getting global compliance to a single system is just unrealistic, if not ridiculous. Hell, even country-wide policy inplementation is often difficult

I mentioned above that such communities would need a common value / religion in order to be closely knit, and forcing someone to hold those would never work out. Those eager to take part should either hold such beliefs sincerely, or see holding them as an acceptable cost for being part of such a community

Individualism, while noble in concept, is wasted on most people in the west; you can see this reflected in the skyrocketing rates of isolation, depression, anxiety and lack of purpose (especially amongst the younger generation). Most people just dont have the agency required to thrive in presence of such freedom, and would live a better life under a form of collectivism

There is a great book called "Assignment in Utopia" that outlines life and living in Soviet Russia from 1926-1932 and it reads almost exactly like what you typed here. Good read if you ave the time and its free in pdf format.

I could try taking a look over the weekend, but till then im a bit tied up with work im afraid

And you have to understand that my "utopian formula" mirrors an ancient religious community from about 2000 ago, so it would make sense that some discussion would need to be had prior to any modern implementation

Any chance that youd be able to give me a few spoilers on the bad outcomes in the meantime?

ok here it goes. BTW the book was written by an American Communist who got stationed in Moscow during that time by the newspaper he was working for.

Communal living in building blocks of 400 people max, with a strong community-wide bond over traditional / nationalistic / religious values

This meant 2-4 families living in one flat/apartment. Usually they would mark a line down the house and one family got one side and the other got the other, with one shared bathroom and kitchen. If it was 4 families, each family got a room.

The best apartments were fought over constantly. Many people would turn in people living in this apartments to the blue hats (NKVD), hoping they would get to move into the space they left behind. They did it, because it worked.

Rotating council of 7 temporarily elected community leaders, one of whom would be sent to the local municipal council (of closest 71 communes) as a community representative

This occurred as well. But the positions turned corrupt immediately, selling out the best apartments to the highest bidders/government officals' families. They were pressured by the Blue hats to rat on their communities constantly and wound just being another arm of the Communist Party. Not their fault though, because if they didnt tow the party line or inform on their constituents, they would be arrested and sent off as well.

Community dining halls, and discouragement of personal kitchens / food preparation. Same for sports/recreational facilities

This kindof happend, as stated, 2-4 families would share a single kitchen. So you could argue it was "communal".

Emphasis on humble living, with a strong bias against consumerism. The wall for anyone found to have taken part in planned obsolesence

Humble living, yes. But not to serve some ideological construct. It was because if you looked even to be doing even the most mildest of better than your neighbor, then someone would rat you out.

You see, Lenin allowed open markets in Moscow to occur. People would go to them and buy stuff at strange prices (tiered based on your status) or barter for things. Stalin shut them down completely citing communist theory. But in actuality, he was trying to appropriate liquid assets he believed were in the populaces' control. Which was part of his 5 year plan; to have people donate all their money to the state. He believed if he shut down the markets, no one would have a place to spend their money (mostly German Franks at the time, since the rouble was worthless) and would donate it all. But not very many people did. So, Stalin ordered his Blue Hats to start shaking down people to find money people had hidden away. The NKVD began pressuring people to rat on their neighbors if they thought they had money stashed. The people would get picked up, tortured until they told them where their money was hidden, then send them away to the gulags for not donating.

So people had a huge incentive to look as humble as possible (this is all detailed in the book i suggested).

Complete ban on the study of purely theoretical fields and social sciences for anyone under the age of 35

This is covered in the book as well. But not so much a ban on theoretical fields. More a ban on fields/studies that went against the pathologies of the party. If what you were studying upheld communist theory, you were good to go. If you wanted to study the effects of a planned economy (and werent already declaring it a victory before beginning) then be prepared to be pulled into a black cab.

All public works and health costs covered by overseeing federal body, with extremely restricted authority

this is covered as well. A compare and contrast from 1932 Moscow hospital vs a 1932 NYC hospital in an emergency is detailed. Lets just say, yes, the Moscow one was free, but at a huge cost to the individual (particularly if you were not a privileged government official).

Im currently at work, so please forgive the brevity of this comment (also thanks for the link, i might skim over a few pages at lunch);

RE: 2-4 families per apartment, I said ~400 people per community because thats about the population youd be able to fit in a few suburban blocks / townhouses (with a central courtyard) which I personally think are better for making a closer community than apartment buildings. Land is plentiful, and city/urban living is not crucial in an age of diminishing need for labour.

RE: the hospitals, you can already see this in the contrast between Canada and the USA. Its not uncommon here to spend several hours in the emergency room at hospitals just to be seen, and months to see a specialist; as well, the quality of care has also been documented to be noticeably worse. Yet people still prefer our Canadian system. I feel like this makes an argument for the Moscow style of healthcare, given the will of the people.

What i believe to be different in my interpretation from the documented results in your book, is that its possible to implement my variant on smaller levels without reforming the entire country. Just scale up the structure that gated communities (just less racist pls.) have, or the board of directors structure that some condos have these days, and build up from there. It would allow for a gradual transition, one slow and small enough that those uncomfortable with it could share the country yet live elsewhere without much consequence

As an irrelevant aside, i spent the first 6 years of my life in one of those "government official apartments" that my family held onto following the fall of the union, with a whole two bedrooms. Whats sad is that the one-bedroom place im renting now is more spacious than it was, which just shows how bad the housing situation was in the union. Housing, when government funded, should always be at the forefront of any communism discussion for this reason i believe

starving with your family puts hair on your chest

and tombstones in your backyard

cause you can't afford a graveplot

A graveplot is bourgeoisie decadence. In the post-historical utopia we will all eat our dead community members.

Struggling and starving under communism is the most noble thing there is, but also, nobody will starve under communism.

Standing in the bread lines is good exercise.

Yep if you go to the richest parts of the U.S.A you will find stores with barren shelves

Soviet Olympic team level of mental gymnastics

Im Brazilian, I see Venezuelacels who fled to come live in Brazil’s Streets because it was actually better than staying there. Sorry for the Srspost but I do hope these people are kidding lol

And you will always be a us subject

Based and Monroepilled

"Do you know that the starving African kids are actually rich. They just can't find something to eat on the streets because they have so much food at home."

Most of it gets thrown away as waste sitting in the store shelves so long because no one can afford it

Which is why it is cheap, do you even supply and demand?

You don't need 5 different brands of toilet paper.

Well sometimes I just wanna treat myself 💅


Yes. There's a story Paul Cockshott tells about him and a friend touring the Polish peoples republic, where they were astonished at not finding meat in the shops when they were out one day. But when they looked at meat consumption per capita, it was actually even higher than in the west!

There wasn't any meat in the shops, because people could afford to buy and eat it

This is the logical explanation, not the commies fudged the numbers

My parents lived in Communist Poland and talked a lot about the long-ass lines just to get any good meats.

As is obvious, that commenter is a fucking retard.

and talked a lot about the long-ass lines just to get any good meats.

He must have been lucky to see lines often, back then shops were almost always completely empty (except for a few dozen bottles of vinegar).

If you saw a line while walking you immediately went to stay in this line, you didn't even ask what is it that people stay for, because literally anything that was there was worth waiting for and never lasted more than a few hours.

So much better than the poor starving to death under capitalism and yet people don’t see it.

*getting morbidly obese

The lines mean people have food! Bernie explains it.

Yes you got in lines to get high quality meat for practically nothing boo fucking hoo

High quality reprocessed Ukrainian


I didn't, I live in burgerland 😎

I’ll give you a fucking cockshott.




Never speak to us or our son ever again

Aren’t businesses protected by “Good Faith” Laws? There’s zero downside to donating that extra food.

Fucking animals, throwing all that away.

Spoken like someone who has a middle school understanding of how businesses work. And I'm not even talking about profits.

This is your mind on progressive dogma. They think corporations will always be evil, even if they have nothing to gain from it. Walmart and Kroger donate massive amounts of food because it’s good for PR, and has the added benefit of being good for the world.

Uhhh sorry sweaty bread never gets moldy and lasts for decades. You can easily ship that loaf of bread off to south Africa to feed a child.

I just mail them a bunch of vouchers for half-price pizza.

The store shelves being empty is a good thing chud!

Commies are the lowest form of life

To call them a form of life is an overstatement.

They’re basically just a virus.

These damn capitalist pigs. Refusing to price their goods at market value and forcing us to dig through the trash to get anything to eat. Why won't those fuckers let us buy anything?

that banner image is complete garbage

commies today have no sense of aesthetic or design

Excuse is they're doing it ironically. Actual reason is the lack of talent

Also, in regards to bread lines, don’t people have to wait in long-ass fucking lines in grocery stores every time they buy something in capitalist countries?

How do people this stupid remember to breathe?

Hoping they are joking

Large parts of Venezuela have a hunger crises, not a “having the perfect amount of food so nothing is left in the store” crisis.

Of course, downvoted.

I work in a bakery and we wasted 30 lbs of bread yesterday, the owner wont donate it

He doesn't want to encourage homelessness but he also refuses to hire anyone at the shelter, he's a silver spoon fuckhead.

Successful bakery owner is a fuckhead for not giving away free product, hot take.

Yes. There's a story Paul Cockshott tells about him and a friend touring the Polish peoples republic, where they were astonished at not finding meat in the shops when they were out one day. But when they looked at meat consumption per capita, it was actually even higher than in the west!

There wasn't any meat in the shops, because people could afford to buy and eat it.

[Painful naiveté intensifies]

Soviets were better fed than Americans and much better fed than after communism fell
