Tankies jerking off over murdering little girls

259  2019-09-12 by charming_tatum


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I give it 4 days.

It's been around for a while

hopefully not for much longer, reddit admins need to purge the communists that have been infesting this website for the last couple of years

The admins are the communists that have infested this website.

Spez is some kind of ancap prepper cuck

If he was, the pedo subs would still be up.

Nah there was an article about it somewhere

He did hold out pretty long though. Archiving every pedo post on every subreddit apparently took until yesterday. Long days in the bunker ahead for spez. Hope for the best... Prepare for the worst.

19th century basements are called bunkers now apparently

It's only fair since they're calling desktops battlestations

really the only political/moral principle reddit's administration has is "avoid media attention at all costs so we can be marginally less radioactive to advertisers".

Why did you think the AgeplayPenPals got banned only after the political ones did?

We need some voodoo magic to resurrect the cofounder who offed himself. He apparenly was the only pro-free-speech one around.

Communists are the cockroaches of the internet... mostly because they have no job, and nothing else to do.

Reminder that I make more money than you and have had sex

Cool story, bro.

Only making more money under capatalism. Cant wait for your neetbux and waifu’s to be forcibly redistributed by your fellow commie bootlickers

Damn... I'll have to get my kids' DNA tested.

Wanna redistribute some of that then?

All your sex was bought and paid for. CirqueDuFuder literally exposed you as an escortcel this past May.


Sweet summer chick.

Yeah, what is this sub?

chapo but more tankie

Ackshually, she's 112 years old.

with the soul of a fascist 17000 year old dragon

Ngl the young blonde Russian girls are pretty cute. Just a shame they go bad so fast. That's why I stick to following them on Insta and stuff and when they get too old I swap them for a fresher one.

I wonder what would happen if a group of redditors start mass reporting a collection of similar links from moretankiechapo to the admins.

Really makes you think

The admins will say "Have you tried reporting the posts to the mods first? Let us know how that goes..."

No mods no masters.

Both tankies and monarchists are absolute retards.

Tankies would get gulag'd by Stalin for being degenerate intelligentsia while monarchists imagine themselves as dukes or count but in reality would be peasants.

Monarchism is wewuzkangznshiet for mayos.

we wuz serfs n shit.

I was lurking there until I realised I just aesthetics of monarchism while most of posters there would likely bring back feudalism. Also some guy claiming to be pretender to the Polish throne, cause he was related to Sobieski, kinda drove me away

It's wewuzkangz for amerimutts who have never lived in a former monarchy, and have no clue what living under monarchism is actually like.

Hot take: Killing the Tsar was justified. Killing his children, I don't know about that.

wrong. fuck off bootlicker enjoy your downozzles

commies will take rule us all one day nodoubtaboutit

The only reason chapos want to kill other children is because mtf's can't get an abortion.

someone needs to tell them this doesn't compensate for the unfortunate reality that they weren't aborted

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight

noice copypasta

The Tsar's army did burn my great-grandfather's village down so I can't give an unbiased commentary on him tbh. I can say that while killing his family was cruel and morally unjustified, if you are committing regicide you can't leave any loose ends, so it was kind of necessary.

Having said that the fact that Lenin is still lying in state but the Tsar's family also got a state funeral 90 years later is radical centrism.

Tbqhfam those little girls could take that entire sub in a hand to hand fight. Also most of this sub probably

My friends and I used to run around with homemade and store-bought foam swords and spar. One day, three guys around our ages came up to the playground. Despite one of us taking a bike to the shoulder, we got more strikes in and won. It was fun.

And thennnnn came the girls.

Smaller, younger, but there were three or four of them. I stood fast, but my brethren's main tactic was RUN AWAY SCREAMING.

There is a reason every Southern baptist stereotype mama says little girls are the devil. Tankies can't melt steel lolis.

maybe dont oppress the workers and you wont get shot

Obviously the workers just weren't oppressed hard enough. I think that was the real lesson.

Those 12 year olds were personally whipping all of the proletariat. God I wish that was me

Stop oppressing my weiner before I give you my special shot.

I’m just happy you linked this so I could see the exceptionally corny and cringe comments in r/monarchism

Confirms Chapos comprise most autistic wing of inceldom.

Will you touuuuuuch it now?!?!?

Some yikes comments in there.

Damn they’re cutie patooties, i wish I could save one and make her my noble wife

remember, gunning down little girls execution-style is good praxis but you'd better not objectify them while you do it because that would be icky and gross, wouldn't want murderers to be misogynists now

Also there's a pretty good chance the Bolsheviks raped them all.

They should make a porn parody

Catherine The Great in MrHands2ElectricBoogaloo.mp4

umm sorry chud thats capitalist propaganda bolsheviks would never

It's not rape when a communist rapes a monarchist. You can't rape up.

Rape is suprise sex plus power, sweaty. I don't make the rules 💅

There is a literal orange rapist in the white house, and he is making the rules. Your do-nothing attitude is what lets him keep getting away with it.

Imagine those thick cheeto fingers nonconsensually sliding into ur puss



also, wasn't there a very prominent child rapist in the Soviet high ranks?

It’s ok to fetishise their murder but not their bodies

black and brown bodies

With a few bullets tsarism was eliminated for all time, I admire lenins efficiency :)

bullets are bourgeois extravagance, real proles use blunt force instruments

tsarism was eliminated for all time

Chapos believe this

Fun fact: those are actually normal-sized doors.

Literally nothing wrong with that thread.

How so numb nuts?

It was good when they died.

Were they commie cummies?


Those whores deserved it. Mashallah brothers.

Murdering that retarded tsar's children was woke as fuck

Remember that they wore so much jewelry that the bolscheviks had to go at it twice to shoot them since it acted as a bulletproof vest, but other than that they definetly knew the struggle of the common worker

How dumb do you have to be to believe this?

Shut up, bootlicker. They were wearing AR500 diamondplate™

Gold chain vs WW1 era rifle cartridge, who would win? 🤔🤔🤔


According to witness accounts it was just like what happened during the Christchurch shooting, the Romanovs huddled together while the shooters littered them with bullets until they stopped moaning

Huh, it's as if our revolutionary friends have never held a weapon in their lives

Jewelry is glamour power, didn't you know!?


In ChAiNs wE tRuSt!!!

As always tankies proves themselves as the most based commies. None of that 'children lives are important' moral fagging nonsense, just pure extermination praxis.

Well them getting executed likely wasn't part of the plan in the first place, and I personally prefer re-education or humiliation, as it gives a much stronger message of the old regimes having been defeated.

Still if they won't yield in a timely manner or/and are a too great of a threat execution or a rehash of The Man in the Iron Mask are completely acceptable options.

Lmao they say it all so matter-of-factly because is this completely normal for commies. You have to be such a fucking psycho to unironically talk about “re-education.”

This is what I told my parents when they tried to convince me to go back to college after dropping out to sell drugs.

Commies, Nazis, and similar political subhumans should be re-educated to bussy centrism tbh.

Radical bussyim is the only system with long term viabilty.

God between this and that AHS thread about the holodomor I’m being reminded just how much I fucking hate commies.

Why aren't these people doxxed and slapped down?

tankies know that a actually civil war actually takes grit, right?

COPE. romanovs deserved worse


There are several communist subreddits, why do they need another that will be moderated the exact same way and have 95% identical content

Tfw your soldiers are afraid to own guns because they know the only person they’re likely to shoot is themself.

The only ruling party that matters is the mod team here