Britbong politics lmao

47  2019-09-12 by Ghdust2


Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Britbong politics lmao -,

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The funniest joke Bill Burr pulled was telling his British audience in Royal Albert Hall

America is fucked up.

To quote Charles I: "I lost my head for this??"

Cromwell did nothing wrong.

Can they just open fire on each other already and stop pussyfooting around

Open fire? With their assault butter knives?

goddammit I forgot about that shit. explains a hell of a lot about all this brexit nonsense

m8 they banned knifes because of increasing knife crime

Lmao what in the actual fuck is an β€œunlimited fine?”

God damn bongs!

Good point. Let's switch to literally slapfighting in Parliament, that's funnier anyways.

Isn't all Bong discourse just an argument about who gets first dibs on whatever child is available?

Isn't it weird that a nation of libertarians joined the EU in the first place?

A literally who in Scotland has a mental breakdown and says he will arrest the fucking Prime Minister, the Independent prints it, and /r/worldnews upvotes it to +30k.

The cope is strong.

A union boss? Lol nice headline, just omit the source. Make it seem like it was someone who actually had the power to act on those words.

Journalistcels strike again!

decision to suspend parliament was ruled unlawful

It's illegal? The Queen said it was fine. Who do you think you are?

Fuck what is going on in Britain

How long into they start eating each other

how long into they start eating each other

November 1st, 2019, inshallah.


Well if they don't address the Irish border, sales in egg timers are going to suddenly spike

The brits voted the leave the EU because they keep sending islam and africans to UK also because the EU is gay with all it's gay jannie rules and censorship. The brexit party formed, of which it's only goal is to stop the left from stalling forever. Eventually the PM stepped down cuz she's a foid and now young UK trump took her place. They just had enough votes to do brexit shit but some righty cunts redcoated to the other side so young UK trump shut the congress down basically in order to stop the left from having enough time to whip up more stalling legislation.

tl:dr fuck EU jannies

Try this again but less retarded

How? They got no knives

This website is cancerous to try and browse. A one paragraph story has been broken up into 10 pages because every 3 sentences there’s an ad taking up the entire screen. The absolute state of bongistani websites

bong politics are too funny. RIP Bercow PBUH



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