Boomer discovers 4chan, other boomers join in and birth pasta after pasta

101  2019-09-12 by artemis_m_oswald


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Is there a website more overhyped than 4Chan?


Maybe not hyped, but retards like treating it as "the secret hideout of the infamous hackerman" when in reality its full of aspies and trannies.

The pic is right tho. Any social media site with a points system attracts the worst kind of attention whores and offendatrons.

The internet is the nation of aspies and trannies

It wasn't even the "secret hideout of the infamous hackerman" back then, it was just an aggregation of random retards that have a habit of going around on the internet, seeding and sharing their faggotry for future generations.

AND maybe an odd hackerman group or five or twelve.

The real hackermans congregated on IRC (tho most of them visited at least one imageboard); most of the 'hacking' associated with 4chan was just people firing up their LOIC cannons

Low Orbit Ion Cannon Cannons

C'mon now.

PIN number

The fun part is they willigly let themselves be a part of a botnet just to pretend to be KEWL HACKERMANS.

you arent "part of a botnet" if you do a DOS attack

They’re nearly as fragile as plebbiters and will throw similar fits if someone goes against the narrative. Majority seems to be mentally ill or incel judging by the overlap with r9k

4chan is a mountain of shit and it's literally their own fault. For years /pol/ has autistically spammed "pol is always right" memes and hyped themselves up as the final boss of the internet for attention. Then over the past 3-4 years or so, people have suddenly started taking them seriously. As a result 4chan suddenly turned into a cesspool more retarded than ever before. It's filled with people using spam bots to advertise their dumb pink-pill servers, people constantly LARPing as internet soldiers pushing their political agendas and spamming their stupid shit, and underage retards participating in an endless summer class end of the world scenario.

Now it's fucking unusable for everything except porn.

You actually miss the time when it was fat neckbeards wearing those stupid fucking guy fawkes masks?

At least the tranny vs zoomer shit is entertaining spectacle

Other boards existed apart from /b/ dipshit

At least it was funny and less than 90% of the userbase was literally 14-16.

Well if you weren't a teenager back then you have to be some old fart at this point

definitely kiwi farms. twatter retards keep screeching about muh dox and their part in killing trannies, but i went there and found a wholesome and cute community of kiwis that wouldn't hurt a fly. dox all flies though.

4chan was decent before it got political. They should have stuck to raiding habbohotel and rickrolling tho

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Boomer discovers 4chan, other boome... -,,

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Hey 😡

For the lazy:

4chan is a fun place. Definitely recommend /pol/. You’ll see things that probably sicken you. You’ll see speech that you are uncomfortable with. You’ll see ideas that you will reject at first, but as you delve more into it, you’ll find that those sickening or uncomfortable truths cannot be easily scoffed off anymore. Just remember to lurk and soak in what they are saying.

It's the hurt box. Lots of painful truths in there. But you build up scar tissue and begin to expand your understanding of the true state of the world around you versus what we try to make it out to be.

this can't be real

get people to start valuing IQ

too late for you, i see

To be fair you need to have a high IQ to appreciate the nuances of pol; like, did that anonymous poster just poop himself and write "nigger" 40 times in all caps, or is it actually a many faceted critique of multicultural society? What your IQ is will dictate which one you see.

The Donald clearly isn't made up of neo-nazis though.

Go to /pol/

Red Pill

Da jooz

That does sound accurate.

When it comes time to decide if they are to be unquarantined, pretty sure that thread will be used to keep them locked away.

Uhhh, not only is The_Boomer never getting unquarantined, I'm pretty sure the admins already know the day and maybe even time that they're going to ban it for maximum effect.

Whenever Trump stops being PRez or loses an election most likely.

They constantly rip on reddit and T_D specifically because we embrace "based black man". Well we love our based black men unironically.

Of course followed by "AKCHUALLY we need ethnostate now"

Wtf, Boomers should need a license to operate a computer.

Defund Medicare, Vote IHeartCommyMommy 2020!

/fit/ is cool everything else is dogshit

would be funny if those tards went to 4chan and absolutely ruined it. the site has been shrinking for years, if they really wanted to they could invade it easily


It's been absolute shit from the beginning.

/mu/ can be alright, if you love trash music.

/tv/ has the best memes lmao. That place is so autistic it gets me giddy

A board about television and film where everybody there hates all television and film will always be funny lmao


/asp/ surely has most autistic people posting

/x/ is best for finding lolcows

I used to larp on /x/ while drunk and would basically just affirm schizos delusions and see where the conversations went.

Post body


Lmao fag.

They already fucking have lol. /co/ and /ck/ are nothing but agendaposts now

What’s a boomer? Someone born in the 40ths? Many good people, My father included, among them.

You're a boomer, fam. Sad!

Don’t be sad. I just thought we were called gen x if anything.

4chan is a fun place. Definitely recommend /pol/. You’ll see things that probably sicken you. You’ll see speech that you are uncomfortable with. You’ll see ideas that you will reject at first, but as you delve more into it, you’ll find that those sickening or uncomfortable truths cannot be easily scoffed off anymore. Just remember to lurk and soak in what they are saying.

And another boomer transitions to being a complete retard

i get my political theory from unsourced image captions and wordpress blogs like a total genius

imagine bragging about this.

Bahahah that’s amazing

A boomer can't change in to something they always were.


I saw someone who supposedly raped a child getting his penis eaten by a hungry dog in the middle of the street the other day, it was horrifying.

Yeah that was pretty bad.

hated that

And on that note it's good to remember that you don't have to agree, "it is the sign of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting or agreeing to it" (-aristostle or somebody, hell if I remember. Probably butchered the quote too)

Coming from the same sub where you're banned if you talk shit about daddy

I'd say the sign of an educated mind is taking the 5 seconds to Google the quote and not look like an idiot, but I suppose when you're surrounded by them it doesn't matter.

All I've ever seen are tits and asses. And more tits.

Of children

Yeah but it is fun to abuse them. I call my assigned FBI agent a tranny almost daily. I’m filled with child-like joy at the thought of him coming into work, bright and early, sitting down at his desk, thinking “today is gonna be a good day, I just know it” and he checks his work email and my IP has already called him a tranny no less than 5-7 times during the night.

Imagine being so hubristic that you think an FBI agent is assigned to you for spamming crime statistics in a hugbox and that he would take your insults seriously if so 🙄

I came so close to commenting on that one tbh. These morons must think the FBI has more employees than Wal-mart.

boomers killed /pol/