Wine aunt experiences existential crisis.

54  2019-09-12 by IBiteYou


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Wine aunt experiences existential c... -,

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>Ugh, my anxiety prevents me from holding a job, shitlord.

>Find some way to get over it then.

>Wow, thanks, I'm cured!

Years of cultural conditioning and a sensitive amygdala have left me wary of outsiders.

Have you tried not being a nazi?

Wow, thanks, I'm cured!


the virgin windmill claims another supple young mind

I’ve tried to point this out to radlibs as diplomatically and pragmatically as possible. It usually doesn’t go well.

Chapos have mostly been supportive of her

The neoliberal dems are trying to bury her just like everyone else that is named Pete Kamala or Joe.

Fox is usually nicer to bimbos tbh

She’s a mom so not really a wine aunt

More a mushrooms mom

Also being a cool aunt or uncle seems so much cooler this. Being a parent

When my little brother has a son he’s gonna turn out so based between the successful chad raising of my brother and the cool fun alcoholic of his uncle

They're nicer to Angela Nagle as well I don't see how that's controversial

Based and AngelaNaglepilled

Angela Nagle said nothing wrong.

Listen IBY - it’s very good drama, that is undeniable. A well placed hot mike always delivers in a pinch. But would you be willing to admit that Fox and their ilk might have a teensy bit of an alternative motive for consistently using the kid gloves with meme candidates like Williamson, Yang and Sanders?

I would seriouspost, but I don't want the upvotes.

I can respect this.

Probably but its also pretty much just the comic linked above ( Tucker constantly has on leftoids who are willing to bash corporations, bankers, and other jews or talk about immigration being bad for the worker. He'll even give them a chance a minute for a monologue pushing their other stuff with no objection or argument or longer than a minute if they want to bash paul ryan, the kochs, mccain, etc.

One group is in this to win it and the other is in it for social status and being an anti immigration conservative sure doesn't win you much social status.

PM me if any of you wants to hear any scientific arguments for racism or muslim rape statistics.

Tucker has on leftists who are willing to throw their beliefs under the ground to bow to his white nationalism. When you don’t play they game, you don’t get aired.

Also way to acknowledge you watch boomer propaganda regularly and consider it reasonable.


Same reason a lot of leftists actively supported Trump’s initial campaign.

Pied Piper strategy?

Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


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