T_D turns on Daddy over vape ban 😠😡😠😡

38  2019-09-12 by quality_bratwurst


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The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


  1. T_D turns on Daddy over vape ban 😠😡... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The MAGAcels will support Trump no matter what he does or how different their views (so long as they’re vaguely “right-wing”) are from his, out of a belief that they shouldn’t “punch right” or that Trump actually secretly agrees with them on everything. If Trump is re-elected in 2020, it will be because he created this cult of personality while the left was busy destroying itself with purity tests and discrimination.

Yang is our last hope for sanity in politics.


Yang has some good ideas, but he’s sneaky Chinese through and through. He has zero regard for civil liberties

What's yangs stance on my right to own and operate black powder cannons?

He is against it and thinks it should be regulated heavily

Unacceptable. Looks like I'm voting for lizzy.

Pocahontas can’t win. Darkies hate tf out of her

Why? She's like crazy old man but with actual policy experience beyond being dunked on by the left and right.

Blacks don’t like mayo women that pretend to be minorities, and can’t dance maybe 🤔

Purity testing isnt bad no matter what people say, the rightoid lack of it caused trump.

The reality being the Donald goes through cycles of purge which is why it's like this.

Every time he does something a portion of magacels doesn't like, the Donald bans/purges them.

This has happened 4-5 times now, it operates exactly like any cult does.

The reality being the Donald goes through cycles of purge which is why it's like this.

Every time he does something a portion of magacels doesn't like, the Donald bans/purges them.

It’s an observable fact that Trump has a larger cult following than any other American politician. This can’t be blamed on the r/The_Donald moderator.

The right has "purity tests" too

I never said otherwise. I just said they were destroying the left.

It’s an observable fact that Trump has a larger cult following than any other American politician. This can’t be blamed on the r/The_Donald moderator.

Sure, but it's in no small part due to the right as a whole attempting to purge anyone that is ever critical of Trump.

Why do you think GOP anti-Trumpers have been retiring? You can't be critical of Trump within the republican party without being attacked by the republican party.

The right, in many ways, has more extreme purity tests than the left does. They do damage to the right too, serious damage, which is why the GOP lost massive amounts of suburban votes in 2018.

I never said otherwise. I just said they were destroying the left.

By what metric? Give me the data.

Sure, but it's in no small part due to the right as a whole attempting to purge anyone that is ever critical of Trump.

Cults expel the dissidents to prevent them from convincing others to leave, and sometimes to pressure them into returning if most of their friends or family are part of the cult. This works only if most members of the cult actually agree with the cult.

Yang is our last hope for sanity in politics.

The process must begin somewhere.

Yang makes a very nice statement about how politics needs to not run like a reality TV show and then uses his twitter to do exactly that.

Not to mention his "Freedom Dividend" is PodShare on a federal level.

Idk, i like Yang being around because bringing attention to the effects of automation on labour is good, but he's a crisis capitalist with a crisis capitalist's response.

Yang is the only true accelerationist option rn

He's the complete opposite of an accelerationist.

Yang makes a very nice statement about how politics needs to not run like a reality TV show and then uses his twitter to do exactly that.

I mean, his twitter is just that of a normal person. He jokes, talks about sports, etc.

"hey guys, tune into the next presidential debate I'm participating in to see what happens"

Can't count the amount of conversations I've had with my coworkers that didn't include this tbh.




you got dabbed on by the sub's bot lmao

bernard has been doing it for decades but TPTB don't want it

dude neetbux lmao

Bernie hasn't ever advocated UBI. As much of a lib as Bernie is he isnt that retarded.

neetbux was more targeted at Yang but ppl do slander Bernie with it

Bernie when criticised by the republicans :

He just wants to give all the blacks a free ride

Bernie when criticised be the democrats:

He just wants to give all the whites a free ride

Bernie irl:

Oy, this brisket is getting so chewy my mohel would be mad.

Real men boof tobacco

seriously. men burn things, women boil

Another mass banning coming up


Daddy actually does something good for once and all his manbaby fanbase does is complain about it Òvò

They want to keep their right to inhale random unknown vapors.

Moronic move. If it weren't for vaping I would still be killing myself with cigarettes

"I replaced one addiction with another"

I wonder how T_D will feel when now they are buying their products from darknet markets.