On going fight about the 14 words in /r/cringtopia.

19  2019-09-12 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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1488 larper or real dosent matter, definite gun tard flops around pretending his hearing aid batteries are low.

Probably thinks his cute widdle pew pews are going to for sure take on the gubmint any day now.

I'll copy and paste from my argument this morning with another flavor of 2a dumbass.

Here's the likely outcome when the 2a morons rise up. https://imgur.com/a/jfodegH

But let's pretend that it's more than just a few dipshits. Let's assume they organize into something big enough to not be a blip on the nuisance radar.

Government would be like: don't worry buddy we built this shit just for this occasion.


Or the government could just pound you into the dirt like they did the confederates. https://imgur.com/a/WU3Wpjd

There's a 0.0% anything happens beyond an immediate cowardly standoff with white flag waving if any of the shall not be infringed crowd wants to larp in real life with real weapons.


Pea shooters are no threat to real boom booms.

Why the fuck did we not tell boomers in Vietnam that?

Terrible comparison. Vietnamese people live in the stuff we call inhospitable.

If the ac goes out south of the mason Dixon line it's going to be a near surrender situation without a single shot fired.

Take away wallmarts ability to stock the essential survival equipment like family size bags of spicy nacho doritos and 50 packs of mozzarella sticks and damn near 100 million will be starving by the weekend.

Only the strongest willed fools would last to week two and at that point it's already a move of compassion to not light them up from miles out with a predator.

Keep going

The 2A foolios don't want to play :( I'll have to rile myself up. I'll take a swig and try my best.

So anyway, there I was, pondering, how tens of millions of gun owners could take a stand against anything besides a Facebook post they didn't like or a razor blade commercial or a coffee machine.

Then it hit me, my argument isn't wrong, it just didn't include enough pictures.

So here's something to ponder while plinking with teeny tiny ammo at the range: https://imgur.com/a/cJy3k6H

Ask yourself, is my pea shooter capable of anything besides hunting wildlife and murdering unarmed people?

Or is this whole notion of a well regulated militia just some fever dream where the government would play fair in the event of a gun grab?

The answer is a resounding, no. As clearly demonstrated by how we act on foreign soil when there's something we want. We either take it, burn it to the ground, or larp about progress to keep the wheels of the machine turning.

Several have tried, they all have failed, and the last time we really duked it out with the powerhouse side of the nation case shot whistled above and rang out as it splintered the bodies of those who thought they had a chance.

That was back when tall brick towers for making lead shot was legitimately the fastest method for producing spherical lead balls.

This is 2019, not only do they not need to hunt you down, because you post your own location data daily, they could read your stupid bumper stickers 40 god damn years ago with a wide angle hubble telescope from space. You think things aren't even spookier now?

There is no escape. There is no fighting chance.

Enjoy shooting shit while we still can and don't act like jimbo and ned ever stood a chance. See yall at the range.

I'm almost there

The guy who shows up with a m1 with a rheinmetall rh-120 pointed at your house to ask you nicely to hand over your guns has this tattoo clearly visible because he's wearing his diplomatic tactical cargo shorts.


That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Yeah rightoids, just give up and start HRT 💅😎


I thought this was some sort of fresh pasta as a bait but it turns out you're serious.

So that's way better

I aim to satisfy.

make like the rest of us and think for your fucking self The irony