[Live] Democrat Debate Thread

3  2019-09-13 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. [Live] Democrat Debate Thread - archive.org, archive.today

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Impeachment going unmentioned

imagine this being important

this is why it's getting harder to vote democrat

Joe Biden is the most-attacked candidate so far And Bernie Sanders has delivered the most attacks.


Fact check: Biden says Obama didn't put people in cages

Biden is half right. The Obama administration did detain people in cage-like structures

fucking lol

cage-like structures

Fact-checking sites is worse than news sites.

Reminds me of that Smuggie:

“Donald trump claimed that 50,000 migrants were headed to the border. It’s actually 48,296. We have rated this claim ‘pants on fire’.”

Biden is half right. The Obama administration did detain people in cage-like structures

Even sopes said it's true lol and they usually deflect as much as possible when it comes to Dems


Ah the old "I was just following orders" Defence.

“Did you think it was a good idea or did you think it was something that needed to be stopped?”

“The President came along, and he’s the guy that came up with the idea – first time ever – of dealing with the Dreamers,”

Biden 😴🙄😴

Lmao Sanders wagging his finger every time Biden says some literally false bullshit.

I love angry Bernie.

Bernie sounded like he was literally dying on stage. Someone get the guy some water or something, like Jesus, his voice was more annoying than Warren's today.

Also my take: Castro drops out within a month. Booker goes way up after first state, Yang goes up another few spots, Buttigieg goes down again, Kamala goes down multiple spots. Biden cements his lead even harder.

McAfee wins the nomination

McAffe vs Trump would be the debate of the millennium

Debate stage

Mcaffe: follow conservativism and Q

Trump: I am Q you dumb nigger

Mcaffe: I did not see that coming... (5% chance damn it)

This is why we need mayocide.


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Oh dudes I hope you bought gun stocks

Lower on the way to my ffl already

Also, this moderator has such a weirdly angled face, like a Craig McCracken cartoon character

Where's the live feed from DNC making sure Sanders does not win?

Warren looks crazier than Hillary.

Boycotting watching because no tulsi waifu.

Biden is gonna win this some how dear Lord. 😒😒

I hadn't actively looked at him lately but holy shit he looks old now

I think one of his eyes burst and started bleeding in some interview. Dude is getting old as dirt.

Not like it matters because Trump is going to win regardless

The dems have literal dog shit candidates and the only normal person and candidates like Biden and Sniper mommy are hated by like 50 percent of their rabid voter base

yeah they're going full Republicans in 2012. It'll make 2024 interesting if nothing else.

Sniper mommy is the funniest shit ive heard in ages

Another win for yang, NEXT

Why do they do they interrupt their own candidates?

If you don't interrupt every candidate except yang on that stage, they'll continue to babble more or less inane shit and rehearsed personal stories unrelated to the prompt forever

Yeah they are boomers

Let's see how much free shit they offer to give out.

Watching Biden calling Sanders "President" was hilarious.

lol Beto not only thinks he will become president, but also that people with AR-15s are gonna give them up without some molon labe shit.

lol and imagine thinking that any military member is cool with forcibly disarming american citizens

We had a candidate who actually had a plan

Imagine boots not taking orders. Literally their job description.

yeah but those orders would be explicitly anti-american, unlike “kill ragheads” and “die for israel.” i think it might actually give some of them pause.

I was at my armory yesterday literally everyone was like: I'll fucking quit the army before that.

yeah just like everyone was "moving to canada" in 2016

How is that even remotely similar.

use ur brain sweaty u can do it

You act like moving to another country that is less free which is borderline illegal depending on circumstances and engaging in firefights with regular citizens in an attempt to remove their rights are the same thing. I buried several guns already so bring it on.

ok sweaty gl on ur #resistance



we need warren or bernie