Richard Stallman has done it again, sending libertarian emails and enraging gussies

3  2019-09-13 by jillimin


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Richard Stallman has done it again,... -,

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What is happening?

RMS eats pieces of skin he detached from his feet.

Tbh I think him disappearing would be good for free software.

bad take

Lmao. The mega autist has done nothing but scare away normies for years

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

A quick look at the cancerous lowest-common-denominator fuckfest known as javascript should tell you everything there is to know about normies and programming.


Normies ruined reddit. Normies ruined jewdank. Normies ruined pinging. Normies ruin everything.


Normies shouldn't even be licensed to drive. thats why self driving cars are bring created; to keep yourself safe.

do i have to click on her stupid medium article to find out what he said?

It contains the Email.


Where is the email?


this man has done more good for the world than any one of us ever will

lol. Yes GNU OS with GPL3 will be finished any decade now.

He’s just a serial nag who refuses to use a web browser. He’s done basically nothing his entire life other than whine.

She's calling for random other people to be cancelled, including one guy who "liked" an NYT editorial that she didn't care for.

This is why CS fields should never allow foids.

You have to look at the etymology here again. Free and Open Software. Doesn't that strike you very much as a slave fantasy where women are "free" and open to all sexual desires?

Where everybody can contribute? Like in a gang bang?

If somebody uses free and open software, it is very likely that he does so because of control fantasies about women and / or is a pedophile.
