A campaign a bunch of people cooked up because they realized games journalism was corrupt as all fuck, led by Sargon of Akkad, and also got falsely associated with the Alt-right and anti-feminist groups because some of them said mean things about notorious scammer Anita Sarkeesian and “would fuck a rhino to get ahead” Zoe Quinn, meaning they were totally in favor of getting Trump elected despite minimal evidence to support that.
Some BPD woman slept with the entire game industry. /v/ started talking about it. A Haruhi poster got pissed off and started calling everybody GAYMER GAYS. The rest is history.
1 CruisinChelseaSteele 2019-09-13
Not my job to educate you
Mods, please lock and sticky
1 heretobefriends 2019-09-13
It's the portal opened up in 2014 that allowed millions of goblins into our world.
1 _-Drama_Llama-_ 2019-09-13
A misogynistic alt-right campaign led by Steve Bannon to drive women out of game development, and also to get Trump elected.
1 world-made-of-rubber 2019-09-13
1 CruisinChelseaSteele 2019-09-13
I've reported your post for being sincere.
1 CruisinChelseaSteele 2019-09-13
Also mods, while you're here please unban my beautiful brother Chet
1 HealthyContext 2019-09-13
what is a gamer gate???
1 simplicity3000 2019-09-13
A gamergate is a mated worker ant that is able to reproduce sexually, i.e., lay fertilized eggs that will develop as females.
Gamergates are restricted to taxa where the workers have a functional sperm reservoir!
1 SnapshillBot 2019-09-13
Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Mayos_side 2019-09-13
Hey guys, new here. What is this sub even about anyway?
1 TrollFarm4 2019-09-13
it's the locked basement door that keeps the NEETs contained
1 AI_WAIFU 2019-09-13
It's elevatorgate 2
1 Dedod_2 2019-09-13
Gamers gatekeeping themselves. For example, if you play mobile games they don’t consider you a gamer.
1 somestupidname1 2019-09-13
Requirements for being a g*mer are as follows:
1) Play games
2) Say the gamer word loudly and frequently
1 Kim_Jon_Ok 2019-09-13
I can see why this label is gatekeeped. Who wants to be called a gamer ?
1 DerekSavageCoolCuck 2019-09-13
It's the thing that killed total biscuit. 😢
1 Pomodorodorodoro 2019-09-13
By my recollection...
Some BPD woman slept with the entire game industry. /v/ started talking about it. A Haruhi poster got pissed off and started calling everybody GAYMER GAYS. The rest is history.