Rich fat guy wonders why overpaid Silicon Valley programmers even want to unionize. Google and Facebook employees earning $300k fucking SEETHE but “iTs NoT mY jOb To EdUcAtE yOu!”

1  2019-09-13 by 3D_women_disgust_me


This is what Chapos mean when they talk about the working class.

I made 42k a year in Washington DC, one of the most expensive cities in the USA, with the title Software Engineer.

I'm not even sure that's possible.

millennial job title inflation is the biggest bubble of our time

I mean have you seen the people calling themselves "comedians" on twitter?

A new grad software developer is going to make a minimum of $60k in the middle of fucking nowhere Nebraska. If that person is making $42k they're certainly not a "software engineer" whatever their title might be.

Nailed it.

Unless he works like 10 hours a week or something, it's not.


you need to earn 180k a year to be middle class in Seattle

Lol millenialacide when

This is why any decent programmer should just do remote contracting, get $150/hr and live somewhere based with no taxes, and only have to deal with frisco autists over the phone.

Dumb dumb checkmark as always

these people should unionize and take back the programming factory from those evil capitalists!

This but unironically.

They are proletarians of intellectual labor!

lol @ what about nfl cte

you type on a keyboard

The poor oppressed millionaires need to unionize.

A majority of 🏀🏀🏀NFL players🏀🏀🏀 are broke after playing in the NFL. The NFLPA got players pensions and medical care after they retire.

It's because of the modern slavery that is the college football system. Not their fault.


Concealing brain dmg, basket ball american culture doesnt exactly promote living within your means, and theyl nfl likes their labor dumb and hungry


Womp womp

A majority of 🏀🏀🏀NFL players🏀🏀🏀 are broke after playing in the NFL.

Then they should be responsible with their money.

They are black you racist

Black or Blaq®™?

Welcome to the world of programming Twitter. 1 and 0s don’t real anymore it’s all fucking pronouns all the fucking time.

They recently cancelled some guy because he played the circle game and the cuck actually apologised and said he should have known it would cause “”””HARM”””” so he deserves to have his career in the bin.


Well duh, programming attracts that sort of crowd because you don't have to leave the house for it.


They recently cancelled some guy because he played the circle game

What circle game?

If you see the circle you get punched. It's an "OK" sign, and more of a younger millenial thing. Zoomers do it too, now, I think?

The white power one

Ngl, the circle game is pretty gay, frankly he had it coming.


Programming is a spectrum, babe, not binary 😘

In the words of Jesse Lee Peterson, BETA!

All those links and all of them are mobile. You disgust me. >:v

Sorry I don’t have time to sit at a Ducking desktop ALL DAY.


Fucking nerds I swear to fucking god.

Twitter is a menagerie of horrors.

That is MasterLawls in drag. No way is that an actual person.

OP is poorcel confirmed. 300k isn't even that great in Silicon Valley.

it's pretty decent if you're not old

Cali takes 50% of it

lol for every $300k techbro there's probably 100 kids slinging ass CSS for $5/hr after expenses

Even if every techbro made 300k we would get more by unionizing.

You think most programmers have enough skills to negotiate salary?

"capital is unlimited"

I assure you it's not

duh, but thinking that the majority of programmers are getting paid what the company is willing to pay them is ignorant. Most programmers can barely have normal conversations let alone negotiate.

They just take their money and are happy because it's enough.

I think you’re projecting a bit, if you’re not shit at your job and have a pair of balls and know your worth you will pretty easily get a good salary. Most developers I meet seem scared to ask for raises because they don’t have the balls. Grow a pair or git gud, ideally both

The fact that the owners of Google have tens of billions of dollars means that there are tens of billions of dollars left on the table.

Haha this is exactly my point. You see you are getting a good salary compared to the general population and you are happy. Why aren't you earning a great salary?

It's because you aren't a good negotiator. Come back and talk salary when you are well above the average. Go look at the salary range for your position at your company with your skills/experience, you should be able to talk your way into being in the top 5-10% every time.

I'm not sure why you are proud of being mediocre.

Yeah. Does nobody here remember the huge Silicon Valley wage-fixing / anti-competition lawsuit from the other year? Apple, Google, Intel, and Adobe paid out $415 million in damages, which is absolutely zero deterrent because the reward was only a few thousand per employee. So... wildly profitable collusion. 5 years of anticompetitive behavior affecting over 60,000 employees.

Say an average major tech co dev gets paid $300k in total compensation, but creates $20 million/yr in value, and people still wonder what the point of unions is. Unions aren’t perfect, but this is an area where they could help.

At any rate, most devs do not make $300k+. The norm is closer to $100-150k, which is lower middle class in that area.

The real thing unions could help with in tech is crunch time, unpaid overtime, arbitrary firings, “unlimited vacation” bullshit (read: undefined vacation that results in you mysteriously getting passed over for promotions/raises if you ever attempt to use it, where because of sick American work culture people actually fucking brag about not using it), and the expectation of being always-online (it’s 2am: answer that Slack message, email, pull request, Jira ticket).

Anyone who thinks CSS is proper coding and deserves to be paid like an engineer with a computer science degree is a fucking retard that deserves to be poor


Webshitter oppression is good praxis, tho.

“Hi I’m a web developer” - IN THE FUCKING BIN IT GOES.

If your language doesn’t compile you go get molested by Epstein. No ifs, buts, or maybes - you’re getting fucking molested on the Lolita Express and if you protest you’ll end up killing your self in prison while on suicide watch. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD.

Python doesn't compile and it's actually usefull for things, but beyond that, unfathomly based.

Python has good libraries for data scientists and is accessible, hence why mathscels use it so often since they don’t have to fuck around with memory management etc.

Python is literally NodeJS but with a better reputation

Tbf tho Node is based and is taking over

Python is literally NodeJS but with a better reputation

They hated jesus because he told them the truth.

Tbf tho Node is based

lmao, nothing derived from jabbascript is anything but a mistake.

I hope you won't be upset then when you find out front end developers make just as much and/or more as whichever compiled language you're choosing to program in.

Dude made Stack Overflow along with Joel "did I mention I was a paratrooper? Did I mention Excel? Did I mention I'm gay?" Splotsky, so he is probably used to them doing it for free.

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Rich fat guy wonders why overpaid S... -,*

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Why should rich people unionize? So they can get .. uh.. even more money?

Uh... yes?

so the millionaires can keep the billionaires at bay? Not a compelling mission statement in my book.

It's a compelling mission statement to the millionaires.

It wouldn't be the richcel programmers getting even more money, it would be retardedcels prevented from being fired tho. The net negative contribution programmers.

That's probably right, but the argument that well-paid programmers (or whatever employee) shouldn't be jockeying for more money is dumb.

Yeah, that's a dumb argument.

On average union bois make more money then non union-cels

Champagne socialists like to make a big show out of how much they support unions, but if they had to spend an hour with the type of guys in Steamfitters Local 33 they’d literally kill themselves.

>Steamfitters Local 33

man i bet those are some kicken rad people to hang with

Hey man the Pipelayers and Plumbers Local 348 and Steelworkers Union 156 guys are solid as hell

Those guys aren’t working class, they’re racist and homophobic

Only bearded fags and hair colored trannies are replying to him.

only the ppl who made up twitter are replying to him


All that money can't buy them job security.

Or vacation.

Or sick days.

Or maternity leave.

Or fix "at will employment".


Maybe 0.5% of all programmers in the US make 300k+ if that.


Another ridiculous attack on what should be a good start to restarting worker's rights movement in the USA.

Ok lemme lay this out to you as someone balls deep in this unfortunate (((community))) and working in London so I get paid half as much as these blue haired chapoposters.

  • £22k first year since I was too much of a chad in uni
  • £55k second year and still fat af
  • £80k third year
  • £95k+30% bonus fourth (current) year since I graduated

Average UK salary is £21k or something stupid. I get 5x that amount and I work 7< hours a day, work from home 2 days a week, 38 days holiday (30+national holidays), fucking company car allowance but I don’t even have a driving license because I’m such a fuckup lmao

If you work this industry and didn’t get fired for being incompetent (happens a surprising amount for graduates and people trying to break in, but discover why don’t meet the autism requirement) then you have zero fucking right to complain.

Not only that but you learn the skills to start your own company F O R F R E E

No offense, but with four years of work experience you're not "balls deep" in any field.

95k a year +30% bonus isn't the norm for only four years of experience and I'd also be tempted to call BS if it wasn't in a metropolis.

Which is part of the problem: most people don't live in a metroplis or work for Google/Facebook/Apple in Silicon Valley.


Not only that but you learn the skills to start your own company F O R F R E E

Startups go bottom up, what? 90-95% of the time? Great idea.


Do you guys have work contracts in the UK? Cause we don't in the US.


I'll lay out the US facts for you:


Top 1-percent Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) break (TY 2016) [3]


Top 10-percent AGI break (TY 2016) [3]


Median AGI (TY 2016) [3]



So most likely we've got what? 2-4% making 300k in the entire USA? How many of those are in tech?

These idiots all assuming that because you develop software that you automagically make 300k a year, work in Silicon Valley and can get a job at Facebook/Google/Apple is a lot of assumptions that add up to non-realistic expectations.

They're clueless tech bros, reddit and the internet are full of these idiots who think theyre worth so much. All the tech hubs combined make a minority of the software development jobs. Most programmers aren't living in them.

Maybe 0.5% of all programmers in the US make 300k+ if that.

It's got to be more than 0.5%.

It's really not considering what the IRS posts.

Unless all these magical unicorns are getting paid under the table.

Jeff Atwood is one of the most retarded retards to ever spread his retardation on our precious internet.

And I say that as a software developer.

Holy shit its the google goblin who got into a spat with Damore because "women" like him can code just as well as man.

Programmers are unionizing, while Cgi artists with specified higher education are underpaid, have zero rights, are at time blacklisted from industries for not occasionally working for months with no pay, are showing no signs of unionization.

I support cgi unionizing because it will hopefully slow capeshit production, or even stop it during a strike

Realistically it would vastly improve CG on more popular films, while also hiking up budgets into 1% extra of that sweet capeshit profit. Lots of CGI firms, especially those related to/currently working on pop culture have incredible turnover and unpaid intern rates, because they realized nerds will workon cape shit and video games for free. The downside is that pop culture CGI will always be mediocre because there's nobody experienced employed in the industry, it's all recent grad retards straight out of some art school tought by professors who don't know how anything works.

Their jobs will be automated soon anyway

Yeah no

They're making too much money and they want to give it to the mafia.

Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about.

For once a twitter profile that makes sense.

Why should rich people unionize? So they can get .. uh.. even more money?

Well, yes, that's the point, lmao.

The tweets in this thread are obviously cringe. And I have to extra laugh at the non-dev/designer low skill tech community managers who think they deserve 6 figures too. Those jobs pay well because they are hard, and not many people can do the work well (and a good dev is a rarity worth their weight in gold).

Unions for occupations make much more sense than unions for diverse industries. No, google janitor, you probably shouldn’t be in the tech union.

But a high skill tech union does make some sense. Anybody here remember the huge Silicon Valley wage-fixing / anti-competition lawsuit from the other year? Apple, Google, Intel, and Adobe paid out $415 million in damages, which is absolutely zero deterrent because the reward was only a few thousand per employee. So... wildly profitable collusion. 5 years of anticompetitive behavior affecting over 60,000 employees.

Say an average major tech co dev gets paid $300k in total compensation, but creates $20 million/yr in value, and people still wonder what the point of unions is. Unions aren’t perfect, but this is an area where they could help.

At any rate, most devs do not make $300k+. The norm is closer to $100-150k, which is lower middle class in that area.

The real thing unions could help with in tech is crunch time, unpaid overtime, arbitrary firings, “unlimited vacation” bullshit (read: undefined vacation that results in you mysteriously getting passed over for promotions/raises if you ever attempt to use it, where because of sick American work culture people actually fucking brag about not using it), and the expectation of being always-online (it’s 2am: answer that Slack message, email, pull request, Jira ticket).

Have you owned the libs yet?

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What a shitty world we’re setting up for ourselves and our children.. Jeez...