A Marine on boot leave stops a fight at his old high school and people get all kinds of mad for some reason

1  2019-09-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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Probably mad because he fucked that kids back. This guy took the Gillette commercial too seriously 🤣

Fucking scumbag. Hope his kids die in his arms, and every one in his squad dies because of a mistake he makes and he wakes up screaming their names drenched in sweat every night of his life.

This guy gonna need some blood pressure meds like next year.

My favorite comment

The Vietnam War in a nutshell

fuck that's so good

just never comment again for the greater good please that flair is so horrible.

talk to trappy saruh about it

Sir, this is a gut truck.

Went after those kids like they were a box of crayons.



Do you want some pussy charging a machinegun nest?


You would

No u.

Lol recruiters

Yup that's a marine

Literally every person who posts on fightporn unironically is a fat balding man wearing a tap out shirt

r/fightporn is lame but r/brutalbeatdowns is decent

I can't believe how big of a loser everyone is in those comments thread.


No one is putting a soldier in jail for breaking up a fight

You're supposed to let the little manlets fight it out, but I guess never pass up a chance to signal.

He saw a dangerous fight break out...." said U.S. Marine Maj. Thomas Driscoll.

Dangerous to their reputation, maybe, being seen flailing around like tiny monkeys.

said U.S. Marine Maj. Thomas Driscoll.

>Be a field grade officer

>Still have to answer for boots being boots

why commission

tiny monkeys.

Wow dude, let's turn the racism down a notch or two.

I can read that sub for fucking hours. I love that place

'Truck'? 'Boulder'? More like 'Final Solution' lmao. 😎

Based as fuck

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. A Marine on boot leave stops a figh... - archive.org, archive.today*, removeddit.com

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fake as fuck

yeah but some of us like to engage in suspension of disbelief

He adds in a few troll details.

his gf is a high school junior

he’s a reservist

told the kid to respect the USMC

semper fuckin fi brother


Fucking boots

Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing on boot leave. Instead I froze my ass off and walked around malls in my deltas like a jackass.

My recruiter signed my harp duty chit and told me to have fun on leave. I was a navyfag though.

There's a hilarious number of comments in that thread that either didn't watch the video, or don't know what a cop uniform looks like

Haha that tackle had ten times the force of all their punches combined.

Based Marine ending violence through greater violence

I bet they complain about teachers not intervening on other posts

Boots left the ground

lmao he could have killed those kids

basically the perfect Marine 🎖️🎖️🎖️

Why does every redditer think that humans are super fragile and made out of glass?

Because they are.

CTEcel cope