THESIS: Trappysaruh isnt a tranny.

1  2019-09-13 by Onii-chan_dai-suki

Its actually a 40 year old nearly bald fat dude who forced his son to transition and now keeps him locked in the basement and occasionally posts pictures on him on reddit to earn karma (which he values more than money).


Thesis: op is thirsty for bussy pics

Perhaps. Doesnt mean I'm not right.

Hey yamate \o/ Long time no see

You sure you talking to the right person?

There are multiple pedo weebs into incest on my r/drama ?

Apparently. Im the better one though.


Who isn't though

I'm in work, should I click this?

Yeah its like trappy's diary/blog

show it to ur boss

Wtf I just got fired

Worth it

sorry ur boss is a pussy ass bitch

Yeah, make sure the entire office is watching. They will be impressed with your excellent taste.


mentioning your name seems to summon you from the void over 90% of the time, how do you do it

wait... have i missed over 10% of summons???? 😱😩😩😩😩

the loss of pinging has affected us all but it must be worst for the terminally online like you and lawlz


i wouldnt call myself terminally online, id be fine if the internet was destroyed tbh

Uh, you are definitely terminally online. We should know.

i wouldnt call myself terminally online

Oh honey

Most trannies don't do much else besides browsing the internet and putting stuff up their bussy

You are welcome. Now post your sons dick pics.


If you're not going to chop your dick off then you're just a dude in a dress

^ ITT: Dude gets triggered because Saurh has a bigger dick than him :D

My tiny feminine micropenis > trappy's giant veiny throbbing mancock


You forgot two things.

How could you forget about two grapefruit in a tube sock

Yeah, who would want to eat cake off a cute lil' dick when you can fuck a rotting surgery hole?

And that"s a

TrappySaruh has been in a porn vid before. I have it. Your theory is false.

Trappy is the only woman I'll ever love. Probably because she has a penis though.