Critical Roll normies shocked their hobby is full of social outcasts that don't know how to behave around women.

1  2019-09-13 by Spysix


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Critical Roll normies shocked their... -,,

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but somehow some men at the table suddenly fill their games with rape and sexual abuse the minute there's a girl at the table.

In my experience it's way worse when it's only guys. I had one DM in high school who made every attack roll chop off a goblin's dick and send it flying into another player's mouth. It was just a single session and he still found time to make sure every character was ass-raped at least once.


The shit they talk about doesn't happen in normal DnD games. I mean it happens but only when you play with turbo autist randos who no one wants to play with. If you can't identify them by a 10 minute conversation then you deserve a furry rape RP campaign.

man i wonder what kind of player who is going to show up to an open-play game at a game store? those things are for people who don't already have friends to play with, and are 25% new players and 75% socially retarded goblins who vent all of their interpersonal shit into that one 3-hour window each week. like yeah they suck, but what did you expect? of course they don't know what deodorant is.

Unironically the reason I don't play dnd is because the people who play dnd are fucking awful for the most part.