Based janitor makes self hating redditards seeth and cope

63  2019-09-20 by Kellere31


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Based janitor makes self hating red... -,,

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I like to remind people when they bring up priests diddling kids that gay people are 70% more likely to fuck lil timmy.

and most of these pedo priests are protestant

Cucktholic cope

☝️😮 ✊😐

Who the fuck you think made gay people bro

most of these pedo priests are protestant

The drama wasn't just that a priest was a degenerate, it was that the Catholic Church used it's influence to obscure and hide the crimes. Don't be dumb.

Why are virgin mayos so mad about muslim Chads running trains on teenage mayo gussy? lmbo just fuck bro!

iFunny users have this weird vibe to them, like instead of being 14 year olds who never grew up like us, they’re 12 year olds who never grew up.

Ragnnohab 12 points 1 day ago Who's insinuating? We're acknowledging the WBC was right.

This is what happens when zoomers spend so much time online it breaks your brain.