Dementia daddy is sending US troops to defend Saudi Arabia instead of making them use their own military to defend themselves.

88  2019-09-21 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Dementia daddy is sending US troops... -,

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Speaking in the Oval Office, Trump said it would be easier for him to launch airstrikes, as some congressional Republicans and other hawks have advocated. Instead, the President cast his decision as taking the harder road and signaled later in the day that he’s not considering a direct military response at the moment.

Here's why that's a BAD thing.

Using US troops to defend the Saudis or going to war for them if they’re attacked ia a bad thing numpty. They can defend themselves and fight their own wars.

It's a deterrent. It's fucked up using soldiers as bait, but they signed up to die for Israel 🤷

Now they signed up to die for the regime that attacked is on 9 11... The house of Saud can't fall fast enough

Now they signed up to die for the regime that attacked is on 9 11

I already said Israel 😎

Based and goypilled

And yet I am no goy, praise Yahweh. Inshallah.

The house of Saud can't fall fast enough

Its successor would make ISIS look like Mia Khalifa

They can continue their current and long ongoing series of bombings.

SA can't even properly genocide defenseless Yemen ethnic groups without our help.

Because the US foreign policy is built around regional balance of power and maintaining the supply of vital resources lmao

Imagine not understanding how a restrained use of force is often the best method of preventing larger confrontations and attacks lmao like nigga international relations 101 lol

So what your saying is that Iran did 7/11?

The US declares itself sovereign over all the world's oil, where there is a drop of precious black stuff spilled that could feed our SUVs, it's like a drop of patriotic blood spilled.

Thank you. Wasn't going to waste my time but glad you did it for me.

Yep. Don't let yourself ever be fooled, the average drama user may be one or two levels less retarded than the average redditoid, but they're still retarded nevertheless

There are no vital resources from the Middle East now. This is not 1980. The US is not a net importer of oil. Securing oil flows from there to western Europe was really important in Eisenhower's time. It is not now. I wasn't even born when this shit was relevant.

restrained use of force

This is why you don't apply a "maximum pressure" policy and refuse any serious negotiations. If the Iranians escalate now, we're already at maximum sanctions so the only way to match that is through war.


There are no vital resources from the Middle East now. This is not 1980. The US is not a net importer of oil.

Lmao imagine not knowing that:

  1. Net importer is vastly different from oil independence

  2. US power is largely reliant on its credibility as a security guarantor

  3. US power is largely reliant on its ability to maintain the ability for countries to trade vital resources, especially when that trade effects our European and Asian partners

If the Iranians escalate now, we're already at maximum sanctions so the only way to match that is through war.

Lmfao the Israelis use direct force against Iranian assets constantly without actually going to war you stupid bitch 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 like lmao nigga do you think that Iran is just gonna be like "oh shit, when the little Israelis bombed our assets and people abroad we could look the other way, but now that it's the sole superpower of the world we're gonna go to war" like nigga does the term "regime survival" even mean anything to you lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣😕

Dude bruh do you even economics?

I would've preferred the air strikes. My oil stocks would do better.

Yeah i'm right outside the beltway. Pretty sure I'd probably net a couple hundred k the second we did a real "let's collapse the empire right now" style ground invasion.

Long term, not too sure, but live for the moment, right?

It’s nuts he’s giving them Troops instead of war. John Bolton’s been right about Iran this whole time!

Shouldn’t be doing either. We all know trump bends over for the saudis though.

Who wouldn’t bend over for the saudis 😱😍😍


Who needs to bend over when they can lie down and be used as a toilet instead

Toilet slaves are based

But he touched a glowing orb with them. That's a sacred commitment that he can't break now.

We all know Trump is going to war now to dab on Bolton since he just kicked him out. And Bolton loves starting wars.

That would be unironically great

We should be giving them missiles instead. Delivered by airdrop.

I just pictured you saying this with a Bolton mustache

I like how he called an attack with no reported casualties “their 9/11”.

I would say that 9/11 was Saudi Arabia's 9/11 given how deeply involved their country was in it.


I adapted it from the Robert Young Pelton's World's Most Dangerous Places the edition published around 2001 where he points out that "You could say that Algeria was France's Vietnam were it not for the fact that Vietnam was also France's Vietnam." I've been planning to make some variant off that joke and finally my effort paid off.

Daddy's gonna 11D chess thousands of troops into Saudi Arabia and then win a ground war in three days, tops, Trojan style.

Is because Saudis have no value but the oil is more valuable.

It's a story about the American response to a conflict between the Saudis and Iranians and two out of the three people they talk to are from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the Washington think tank owned by Israel.

That's kinda got me...

If you research most "Iran experts" quoted in the media you'll usually find that they're just some dude who works for the Israel lobby and otherwise had no knowledge of Iran. AIPAC should rename themselves the Institute for Expertise in Iran.

Yeah, if you're honest you go to Barbara Slavin if you want to know about Iran. She doesn't pull any punches on either side and she knows what the fuck she's talking about. Laura Rozen doesn't focus on Iran all the time but understands the issues there. Really makes you 🤔🤔🤔 why journalists who claim to be serious cut them out.

Why is it that the opinions of most Jewish Americans are drowned out by the Dershowitzs &etc and our policy toward Israel is consistently against what Jewish Americans want? There ought to be a thonk just for that.

Why don't we ignore our allies?


The Israeli lobby in America is really for Christian zionists mostly, not American Jews. Although American Jews of course get all of the shit for it. If you read a really crazy sounding comment on an Israeli newspaper also half the time it's actually some American Christian lol. It took me a while to realize this.

I hate how this is described as an act of war. Like wtf do you think had been going on in Yemen for the past few years. That wasn't a fucking war? Saudi Arabia got itself into a war and had lots of fun turning babies inti a fine red mist, now they got bit back a bit, oh fucking well it's a war man that shit happens. When a country attacks another country that country sometimes attacks back, it's sort of part of the process.

Like I read this galaxy brain sentence in national review a couple of days back:

There is no reason to believe, or even to recommend, that Saudi Arabia should turn the other cheek and engage in reactive pacifism.

Like seriously wtf? Who would at all describe any action that Saudi Arabia has taken as pacifistic? Were those bombs of peace that dropped on that water treatment plant to intentionally cause a massive cholera outbreak? Are those plants whizzing overhead yemenis heads at all hours of the day just friendly peace kites?

I don't expect Saudi Arabia at all to turn the other cheek. Neither do I the Houthi. Neither is. Get off your fucking high horse and trying to edit history to cut out the context and make every action by a country you want to invade (or use as an excuse to invade Iran like here) is the aggressor. This is not some unprovoked attack that may start a war, there's already a war, it is one of many attacks in an ongoing conflict.

Imagine being a troop and literally being told you're being shipped to a shithole in Saudi Arabia to literally defend their oil profits. Lmfao.