Yang officially endorses NoFap #YangGang

305  2019-09-21 by Ghdust2


Yang is unironically the best of the candidates.

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Yang officially endorses NoFap #Yan... - archive.org, archive.today

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I remember when he was a meme that one week in May, that was special

carring out the cum brains

Yang trury is the drama presidentiar candidate

Der Coomer...

Daddy 👨‍👧‍👦 NEET bucks 🤑says “NO!” 🙅‍♂️to skeet cucks 💦

When every kid has access to 10 devices with internet and more tech knowledge than their boomer parents there’s no way of stopping them

Restrict access to internet and dont buy them devices. It's a parenting thing, not a government thing

boomer parents don't know how to restrict access to internet

Well good thing most parents arent boomers anymore

is that actually true? i wonder what the stats are.

Gen X’ers kids are now graduating and moving out (gen z/me)

Millennials have now (somehow) reproduced and are raising children


Easy, they're just Pam looking for their Jim to have babies named after harry potter or disney characters.

Boomer is a state of mind

Most people don't know how to work on their own cars, and so they pay a mechanic.

Most people don't know how their house is built, and so they require a builder.

Likewise, most people (as in adults who have children) don't realize how the internet works and how to properly limit their children's access.

They should hire a professional, if they can't do it themselves.

holy shit that's a good business idea. let's advertise to parents that we can keep their kids off the internet

Woah buddy cuck town is that way. That is the most pearl clutching cucked thing I've ever read.

Do we need a internet licence now to make sure you are old enough and mature enough for fortnite videos?

As I said before I tend to believe in selective sorting - the net will benefit some small fraction of kids who will understand the world much better and those should probably be able to access it

Found a Br*t in the wild boys


My work can't even successfully block porn. No way a parent's gonna get it done.

Bro I'm a parent and it's easy. Getting on the computer is simply not allowed. If they need to get on it for school or something, you sit behind them and help them through it. If it makes them computer retarded when their adults, I dont care. At least they wont be a redditor.

Bro they're just gonna get fucked in school. High schools and middle schools now often use computers a lot, they'll just play video games watch porn et cetera there. Also ... the reason that the computer is such a big issue is the total lack of willpower most people have as their entire lives are controlled by others (parents, school, job, companies). People need time where they are truly independent and can fail horribly to become strong adults (whether they're given it or they take it themselves)

Keyloggers and kinkshaming is clearly the only correct parenting technique.

Oh god I do not recommend key logging a family members computer

You may be disgusted

Or even worse, in my experience, find out your sibling gets 900 upvotes in a normie subreddit calling a puppy a pupper

yes i'm trying to look up how to properly do an honor killing

Not posting in pupper subs

LMAO cuck

more tech knowledge than their boomer parents

they wish

So yang supports that porn card thing

Like the porn license in bongland?



I mean he is a chink.

you have been banned from /r/snl

Coomers btfo


Rip NEET vote. You can't criticize their only hobby other than watching anime and playing vidya without them flying into a rage.

I play multiplayer games with kids as young as 6, maybe younger. None of them ever claim to have had sex with my mom. Do you think they might be saying that because you're an asshole? It's something to consider.

ramifications of denigrating women

I swear, there is no issue that people will not frame as being a feminist issue.

Again, absolute life fuel for Distortedcels, it's all coming together

user reports:
1: I long to blogpost about the secret hasidic technique of semen retention

Stop. Watching. Porn.

When will Yang do an AMA on r/orthotropics?

Have you seen his jaw? Cuz I haven’t.

Have you seen his jaw? Cuz I haven’t.

Doubling down on the NEET demographic.

People often forget how horny they were when they were kids.

I don't, but porn is still dumb. That said there's a strong argument for "just like weed you can't ban it, just let the retards be retards"

Can't even ban retards in today's climate.

Um, sweaty, don't you see how problematic this is? All children should have access to diaper furry porn.

Stopping a 13 year old boy from getting porn is like trying to drain a lake with a sieve.