Big Food corporate shill dunks on anti-GMO boomers with FACTS and LOGIC. r/AskReddit conspiratards cope hard.

38  2019-09-21 by Matues49


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  1. Big Food corporate shill dunks on a... -,,

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why are burgers so anti sustainability?

GMO crops are low maintenance, easily grown, and provide more yield then your regular ditch weed cabbage.

shit was literally made to fuel the world war and is the only reason half the world isnt starving today

One of the things you have to remember about GMOs is that some crops can be patented and you have to buy a license to grow them or something. And with corn, there's like two GMO suppliers.

why are burgers so anti sustainability?

The ecofags have had a really good fear mongering campaign.

Aren't you supposed to be some sort of monarchist? GMO crops just continue the trend of sacrificing nutrition and genetic diversity for aesthetics and hardiness.

Monsanto was acquired by Bayer, a German company, in 2009, which is hilarious considering how opposed to GM crops the Germans are.