Based EU becomes radically centrist, r/stupidpoller SEETHES

151  2019-09-22 by CapeshitterCOPE


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Lol that OP posts in CTH2, which is basically MoreTankieChapo with shittier memes, of course he is triggered.

Imagine giving a shit about the European Parliment’s decisions when you can’t even get a non-entry level job or move out of your parents house 🤪.


This is retard for I can't defend my views or discuss them in a rational way. I see trannies, Trumptards, and tankies use it all the time. Remember, political extremism is always populated by those of low intellect and low capacity for calm discussion.

The bigger a part of yourself you make your political beliefs, the more it hurts to have them challenged

Reeeeeeeeee, but rated R

I see trannies, Trumptards, and tankies use it all the time.

Lol really? This sounds like bullshit you tacked on to avoid agendaposting

Not really. Trumptards are pretty much on the same end of the spectrum of irrationality as trannies and tankies. If you can scroll down a page of Trump's twitter or sit through pretty much any ten minutes of one of his rallies and think "This is a rational man capable of leading a country." Then you are just as deluded as a tankie or a tranny.

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Based EU becomes radically centrist... -,,

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The EU has bowed to fascism, it has bowed to Orban. The entire west has been taken over by the fascists, and those who submit to fascism, who want world domination and to force all to bow to their dictators as they do. The only course is rebellion by those who are not servile and submissive to dictators.

Oh fuck off and get back into your hole you stalinist dog.

This, but unironically

This but ironically and gayly lithping.

based, fuck commies.

He's not wrong. You can get jailed in Yuropoorland for calling a Muhammad a lolbertian. That's why I'm glad I live in Glorious Burgerland 🇺🇲

Partisans are such fucking morons.

It's always "communists beat the nazis!!!" And then a few sentences later by the same poster "soviets weren't really communists". Just commit to it you loser tankie

Communists from all over Europe literally rebuilt the continent after WWII.

And then what happened? 🤔

They built a huge wall to contain all the slavs. Maybe Stalin was right after all! 😍

I find it weird thats the focus with tankies and not the time when commies where the only real political group advocating mandatory 10min breaks whenever a worker fell into a threshing machine.

Murdering Ukrainians is more fun I guess

Banning Nazism and Communism is just boring neolib centrism, radical centrism would be having 50% nazis and 50% ancoms in parliament.

I really do want at least one of both camps to sit in on parliamentary matters and give their hot takes on mundane topics such as bike paths and budget allotments.

Nazi: I'm fine with the construction of the new bike path as long as it's off limits to jews.

Communist: "let's be sure to make it 2 lanes."

The parliament being the gladiatorial arena of course


Well played.

this is what happens when you raise your children on a Lysenkoist diet

Lmao got em

Based, Hot Topicels seething.