BPT leaking white and then gold when random mayo makes no cultural appreciation

49  2019-09-22 by newcomer_ts


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You can tell how white that sub is because they care about sexual assault

They also use da kool blacc peeple language all the time

I’m gonna say it: the Boondocks literally addressed 70% of problems with black culture. If you believe “snitches get stitches”, you are someone’s bitch. And a stupid one at that.

Also shows you how white that sub is, they don’t act black at all.

99% sure most of the actual black people on that sub are suburban black kids that grew up around majority white people.

Yeah and the blacks that went to college and got super woke

Libertarians, commies, and folk all get down with ACAB, tbh (But half of them will vote a former prosecutor as president in a heartbeat).

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Doesn't that guy have enough stitches already?