Lolibertarians call all hands on deck to man the ephebophile cannons when someone posts a picture of some random bong groping your little sister, calling him a pedo. Lots of "actually, biologically/historically this is okay"

98  2019-09-22 by ItsSugar


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Fine story, but this title is an utter train wreck of the English language.

The bar is always being lowered here

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Lolibertarians call all hands on de... -,,

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Historically, Charles Stuart got his head chopped off. It would be very much in keeping with tradition if another royal criminal got his dick chopped off.

I’m pretty sure anyone as powerful as Prince Andrew is for sure diddling kids

Why do you assume that the moment someone gets power, they'd fuck kiddies? That's an awfully specific assumption 🤔🤔🤔🤔

I don’t mean anyone that gets power by getting rich and famous. I mean these dynasty royalty figures that own the world. They’re all evil.

"Every cartoon I've ever watched has told me that someone who grows up in a rich family must be bad"

-a literal child

Found the rich pedo with a guilty conscience.

If you play the white album backwards it’s queen Elizabeth admitting that fucking children is the actual fountain of youth. Prince William obviously rejected her assertions.

Monarchistcel cope

There’s a difference between a rich family and the richest most powerful family on the planet lmao

The Windsors are nowhere near the richest or most powerful 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Nigga his mother owns half the world

Who’s a more powerful family lol


The sun sets pretty early on the British Empire these days

No, no she doesn't. She has a bare handful of symbolic functions and powers in a number of countries that are, in practice, done by other people (the Governors-General). By convention she or her representatives do exactly what the government tells her to. Her actual estate is about £120m.

It's pretty sad when there's a constitutional crisis in England, the one time when this bitch has a job to do, and she still shirks from it.

She's met her obligation under the constitutional convention, which is to act on advice or direction of government. The Queen's ability to reject government's advice/direction is theoretical at best.

I understand that in normal circumstances where the survival of the state isn't in question but ffs this is kind of important. I'm pretty sure Henry VIII didn't get permission for what he did. Maybe like write some of these procedures down dude if they're supposed to limit the sovereign even when the existence of their country is at stake.

The worst part of this is that my ancestors scattered to America and all the dominions and it's very likely that we're cousins

I'm pretty sure Henry VIII didn't get permission for what he did.

Henry VII came well before the English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, and the Restoration. It took a couple of revolutions and a beheaded king to convince the Crown that it was subservient to Parliament.

Henry VII

You missed an I there so according to the law actually I'm right. 😎😎😎

That’s what they want you think

She has a treasure trove the size of the one in national treasure under her castle

literally believes in buried treasure

Holy shit lol.

It’s not buried. It’s in a super cool bunker.

You mean like the one the mods hang out in? That cardboard box fort is fuckin' sweet yo

Conspiratard level seething

Let’s see who’s seething when I find the worlds largest treasure and I don’t give any of it to you

All I need is Bussy™ and I'm rich in that

Whoa wait, she's Jewish?


She’s a reptile

They're prods, no shit.

I mean most mods on plebbit seem to go that way too.

Pretty sure that being a reddit moderator doesn't count as power.

I'm a bit confused here. Is the contention here that you should hoverhand for photos with your sister? Are you retards so sex deprived that merely touching bare skin is enough for you to bust a nut and that by logical conclusion any physical contact is automatically a sex act and therefore this photograph is actually literal child pornogrophy?

First of all, don't be an idiot.

Second of all, there's so much in this photo that needs to be unpacked and untangled starting with the girl who came out publicly with the accusations and her primary target is now dead with all the evidence pointing to a murder by someone powerful enough to make whole US justice system, correctional system and public looking like dumb fucks.

Third, the woman to the side in the photo, who most likely arranged all that, is on the run, nowhere to be found but most likely also dead.

And finally, allow full analysis and investigation into everything that predated the photo and then what ever happened afterwards.

Anything short of that, yeah, Andrew is a piece of shit whose status and power keeps him afloat.

His sister?

Is this a bit?

Actually, he has a license for that

You didn't say loicense. Without boring r/drama memes, how am I supposed to feel like one of the gang?

If your daughter is out in a nightclub at 17... that’s the parents problem, not the dudes out there trying to fuck anything that moves. If you’re a father and you’re mad at the guy trying to stick dick to your daughter... you’ve got the problem. Nobody else. Newsflash... your daughter is gonna get fucked... right in the pussy... over and over and over and over and over again until it maybe slows down a little bit in her 40’s, and then she’s gonna get old and die with a kid or two to carry on the name. Get used to life.


Newsflash... your daughter is gonna get fucked... right in the pussy... over and over and over and over and over again until it maybe slows down a little bit in her 40’s


Nice find, OP. Every comment thread there is like that.


only on reddit can you find mass congregation of pedantic pedos who argue over the line that separates kiddy diddlers from tweeny diddlers but yet argue that the line drawn for the age of consent is ridiculous.

ACKSHUALLY, what if the child consents tho?

this but unironically

lolberts out

teens are hot. cope.