Zoomers SEETHE about their parents telling them not to destroy their lungs.

82  2019-09-22 by Ghdust2


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imagine being a 14 year old and thinking your parents banning you from inhaling cancer gas is unreasonable, then going online and interacting with thousands of 14 year olds larping as adults agreeing with you

you literally should not have internet access unless you are wealthy, nobility, or have a 140+ IQ


wealthy, nobility, or have a 140+ IQ

Twice redundant 🧐

Fuk u Charles would have made a great dramatard

Tru but also still.

Lol lineagecel cope.

it should be MY decision to give myself a totally avoidable exotic cancer


pay for my healthcare bigot


pick one fucking retards

arent smokers usually cheaper like fat people, cause they die before they require elderly medical care? we should just have national healthcare but give every mayo fent as treatment. costs plummet

Suiciders are even cheaper. That's why the government is convincing millennials and Zoomers that they all have depression and other mental illnesses.

woke as fuck

woke 🤔

I kinda hate my dad honestly, for my entire life he's been constantly making sounds or mocking me while knowing that it's fucking annoying to me. Plus sometimes he plays music when he KNOWS I'm in bed. I don't like to open my bedroom window open often because it always makes my room super cold (especially this time of yhear) but he just goes ahead and freezes me anyway. I once woke up to him doing that in the middle of the night, ffs. He sometimes also scolds me for things I didn't do/things I was supposed to do and I did but he thinks I didn't do them.

God that’s beautiful 😂😂choice of music is dumb tho. Put some Nugent or Skynard and then its SUPER BOOMER

That dad sounds based as fuck

This is why parents should beat their kids until 16, at least.

They should never stop until the kid starts beating the parent

Reminder that everything you see on reddit is fully accessible to the average child.

Is it just me of has there been a huge influx of literal children to Reddit in general? Relvatively recent subs that have popped up like r/dankmemes, r/pewdiepiesubmissions and r/okbuddyretard are pretty much fully made up of 12-15 year olds.

Reddit is a pool. It has all sorts of people of all kinds of backgrounds together, but still being somewhat separate in their own groups. However, there is something that every pool has. A kiddie pool. The kiddie pool is filled with shit and piss, with the children in it swallowing and gargling the water. Of course some of the bigger pool is like that, but it is minimal compared to the rest. The reddit kiddie pool has become so overcrowded that it is spilling all the shit and piss into the normal pool.

That is basically what is happening.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Zoomers SEETHE about their parents ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I've noticed a lot more openly young teens on reddit lately, and it unironically bothers me