Retard ventures outside the incelsphere

82  2019-09-22 by ItsSugar


Don't miss the bonus retarded takes on a plethora of current topics. Head into his profile for more!

The Boomer cries out in pain even as he strikes at you.

162 peanuts shrieking "who hurt you?"

he doesn't even respond to any of them.

that's alpha


Masculine men normally get laid lmao

Actually no one can fuck with the most masculine of men so they just fuck themselves

🤔 Is this horseshoe theory?

Guy is giga Chad for triggering that many red*itors from some retarded hostage

Mod him

Awful take



I'm getting flashbacks to the Pain Olympics


tranny AJAB

Lmao he’s telling people that Fortnite is “soy city” whereas Starcraft and DOTA will put hair on your chest. Peak gaymur idiocy.

Fortnite is soy city but those other games are coomer town

No he still posted on reddit.

This is why it's dumb people think incels are on to some truth about men, women or society. They just want to seethe 24 hours a day.

Imagine using the word incel lol

honestl, based. made normies cry

What's with the incel defense on /r/drama lately?

tbqfh, lining up coloured rocks and taking a photo for Reddit is kinda sub level

Me: “This dude sounds like an incel” checks profile “yup. Sounds about right.”

Haven’t the incel communities started to crack down on “cope shaming” though?

What's cope shaming?

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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Retard ventures outside the incelsp... -,,

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That shit isn’t involuntary. You have to make decisions to become that unfuckable.

People like you are the reason my 'choices' for president are a bald idiot billionaire and a corrupt war criminal grandma who can't even stand up for more than 5 minutes. You weaken society.

Based and radcenpilled.

he's right, you know

imagine how much better reddit would be if people didn't feel the need to karma whore about retarded shit