Can any local Christcucks explain this? Idk what to think

7  2019-09-22 by Matues49


This is a form of virtue signalling. It's safer than the snake-handling though.

It’s just complete white people nonsense of the rightoid variety.

When you hear it enough in church you'll notice that everyone reuses the same ten gibberish words.


That the sounds are taken from the set of sounds already known to the speaker is confirmed by others. Felicitas Goodman, a psychological anthropologist and linguist, also found that the speech of glossolalists reflected the patterns of speech of the speaker's native language.

In other words, these people are so deluded and full of shit you can literally prove a negative with science.

Apparently you're not familiar with the Klingon language.




Sumerian was the original language and had a very unique structure, it is almost impossible to translate since it is a dozen or so syllables just repeated over and over in different orders. It would sound something like this clip.

In prehistoric times Sumerian was able to code instructions into people, this was before modern humans developed full consciousness. Thus their learned priest class used the language to “code” people into being farmers, artisans, or soldiers which enabled rapid growth and expansion.

Eventually full consciousness appeared and people could easily learn new tasks so this was unnecessary, and more individualist cultural practices (primarily in the west) left the “coding” ability behind. However some modern religious groups can still tap into this biological BIOS through meditation and as a result speak in what appears to be gibberish.

speaking in tongues was a real thing as seen in the book of Acts but these are just retarded baptists

speaking in tongues was a real thing


Its a hilarious boomer brain misunderstanding where in the bible a bunch of people were able to be understood in multiple languages at the same time thanks to god magic but retarded christcucks took that to mean "completely incomprehensible in all languages" somehow. So babbling is proof of gods magic powers, despite the bible basically saying the opposite.

I regret to inform you all that the Protestants are at it again

Imagine thinking that some illiterate priest who tears himself away from whatever harlot he's shacked up with and stumbles into church once a week to mumble words in Latin that he doesn't understand is any better. 🙄

hahaha le epic based reddit atheist. i tip my fedora to you good sir

Did you come up with that witty comeback yourself or did you need to pray to a saint to help you out with it?

hahaha gottem!!!!

Go ring your bells and light lots of candles and do whatever other superstitious popery your kind engages in. It's not gonna win you any points with the Lord.

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Can any local Christcucks explain t... -,

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