innocent dramatard wanders too far off the ranch and gets mauled by a chapocel 😭😭😭

57  2019-09-23 by Sea_Safer


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damn it's gonna be very embarrassing when this MDEcel graduates and has to look back at what he was

tradcath nazi pedophile

That is a very crowded Venn diagram.


fake news i only like hot teens 18+ 😩😩😩

and The Bible πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Masturbation isn't a sin as long as it is to Song of Solomon.

Just save the scum for your brother’s wife





big agree. lolberts are disgusting

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. innocent dramatard wanders too far ... -,

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making your own defense post

I’m not upvoting this. lol cow.

Someone has a strong case of the Jewspergers.

/r/drama VS /r/chapotraphouse

whoever wins comes out looking like this

Lol OP got butthurt so he had to share this with the tardpen

show the evidence I'm butthurt big guy

I don't need to. This whole post is proof

you're right I'm so mad