The groom deletes his Reddit account after attention whoring results in "keep it on Facebook" and x-post fake history porn shitpost

32  2019-09-23 by newcomer_ts


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Why is twink Richard Spencer holding hands with Michelle Obama

It really be a post racial world.

Tanning addiction is real, people.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. The groom deletes his Reddit accoun... -,

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Keep it on Facebook

What idiots say on a subreddit for picture browsing... 🙄

They want the pictures to be of things other than random people with an accompanying life story in the title.

Then don't upvote it, it's not ops fault that reddit up voted it. Apparently monitories and women must hide themselves at all time because incels will get jealous of how they unfair it is they got some dumb internet points.

Yet they usually don’t contribute any. There’s hundreds of posts a day to /r/pics maybe they should use the vote buttons more but doubt it will help since everyone else seems fine with these types of pics.

Undbeeb went deep in the comments on “behalf of future ops” what a lad.

Why would he? His point doesn’t depend on this picture being original. The fact that you do suggests poor reasoning skills.

Why do redditors have such smug fart-sniffing insults?